What Would 100%munich Malt And Sazz To 25 Ibu Make

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Fermented with a lager yeast
Any thoughts
What Would 100%munich Malt And Sazz To 25 Ibu Make
... Beer? :unsure:

Any reason you're throwing together ingredients without a plan? If you're just using up whatever you've got leftover, does it really matter what it would be 'called'?
Yeap, using leftovers/surplus stocks before ordering more grain/hops.
Could almost pass an Oktoberfest/Marzen?
Could be quite tasty, I'd hop it a bit heavier up to 35 IBU to balance the malt, unless you are after a very malty beer.
I'd mash low for 90 mins, add the hops as early as you can for as much bitterness as possible and ferment 8-10C with lager yeast of choice.

The low mash temp will dry out the finish but leave you with a nice malt flavour up front.

Bottle or keg after fermentation, sit it in a cool corner for the Winter and call it an Oktoberfest in September.

Add 2% Carafa spec II and you have a Munich Dunkel


Ferment with WLP833 at 9 deg.

Tony, im sipping a very nice Vienna now and was thinking an Occy would be close. What og and IbU would you go?
give this a go. I know its not 100% munich but after making 100% munich beers... they come out a bit one dimentonal and lask the character that makes you go, OOooooo :)

Add the caramunich for a good oktoberfest or go carafa spec II for a dunkel.

Mash em both warmish at around 66 to 67 and use WLP833 if you can get it. It leaves the beer with a very malty rich character but attenuates to around the 75 - 80% mark. A dry, malty beer is something very special!

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.20
Anticipated OG: 1.054 Plato: 13.24
Anticipated EBC: 21.7
Anticipated IBU: 25.6
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
96.2 5.00 kg. Weyermann Munich I Germany 1.038 15
3.8 0.20 kg. Weyermann Caramunich II Germany 1.035 125

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
60.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Pellet 3.70 24.3 45 min.
14.00 g. Hallertauer Mittelfruh Pellet 3.70 1.2 5 min.


I used 2308 for the Vienna but only got 73% attenuation. I may try and get some whitelabs yeasts slanted to add a bit of diversity.
Im considering doing a SMaSH beer with Munich I and Amarillo :icon_drool2: Reckon itll be the biz!
I've brewed both 100% munich and 100% vienna, using both tettnang and saaz respectively and both brewed with S-23. No idea where they fit in styles... didn't really care. Both were with Powells malt, at $2/kg who's complaining... $10 grain, $4 hops and re used yeast... how's that for cheap AG beer!

Both turned out to be wonderful, the Vienna the better, both close to 30IBU. Very malt profile, with subtle aroma... perfect summer quaffers.
I like Tony's idea,

It will make a nice malty Oktoberfest.

The WL 833 is a nice yeast as well, currently been drinking an Oktoberfest with nearly 50% Munich II which is nearly pushing into Dunkel territory using that yeast (Thanks TDA as well!)
With all that Munich Tony's recipe would get in a similar direction and turn it into something special than as he said "one dimensional".

Will do for a munich dunkel
small addition of cafa spec ii and possibly some cara aroma
Awwwwwww caraaroma.................. It will not go astray in a dunkel! Don't use too much though. Id say 2% of both caraaroma and carafa spec 11

its good in a schwarzbier as well :)

mmm, schwarzbier, too many beers to brew not enough time

Will do 96% munich
2%carafa spec II
2% cara aroma

Sazz to 25 IBU

WY2308, dont have wl833, doh

FWH or 60 min addition??
if your just doing the one addition boil it for 90 min and add hops to 25 IBU at 45 min.

give it a try

Actually.......... add 10 IBU FWH and go the remaining 15 IBU at 45 min.

thats what i do in a lot of my beers and its great.


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