What Was Your Staple Beer "before" Hb

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Curry Master
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I'm interested in knowing what was everyone's beer they "mostly" drank before getting into homebrewing (if you remember that far back :p ). Maybe others are too?

Me, I mostly bought tooheys new by the case, but also bought 'boutique' beer by the six pack to mix it up a little.

I haven't actually bought a case of beer since about 3 yrs ago, and then it was Coopers SA....yum yum.


probably some disgusting "beer" like carlton cold or tooheys red.

the only reason i got into homebrewing was because i was a poor uni student and was finding it too hard to afford beer.

that was a long time ago now, and these days i homebrew because i can make a better beer than most the big name breweries flog off.
i wasn't too worried what it was, as long as i could get enough into me to get drunk without spewing first. sometimes it was a challenge. warm carlton cold anyone??
when I was a younger lad it was anything. mostly CUB or coopers. But AS I got old and the next day headaches got harder to cope with I moved onto less preserved beers like Becks. Becks was a staple (and still is if I have to actualy buy a case). Buy is such a dirty word when its placed directly before the word beer!
which ever "heavy" beer was on sale that week and the cheapest bottle of tequila

i get a headach just thinking about that now

Funilly enough, before I started making my own, I drank very little beer ( mostly red wine), a case would last 3 months ( generally bought for Xmas) and if I had a preferrence it would have been Cascade Pale Ale.

Mass manufactured beers taste so insipid, I have a real crisis if I'm in a pub and someone asks what would I like. Generally go for whatever dark beer is available.
V B 30 packs for a year or two before converting to K & K.
My prefered beers before home brewing were coopers sparkling or pale ale and tooheys old. In fact I still buy my odd case of coopers as I really enjoy their beer.


cheers old dog
Living in the land of Coopers means i grew up with pale, sparkling and dark. Always on tap at the Unibar. Always got the job done. Still my beer of choice in most pubs.
I've been a bit of a "beer snob" as I was a bartender for 10 years in Los Angeles before moving to Australia 3 years ago. I've been a micro brew fan for years and find it difficult to drink the lower end beers, sepecially in the US. I started home brewing here in Australia and my first 5 attempts with kits nearly put me off home brewing alltogether. But, I'm now dong AG and am very happy with the results. I still buy beer on occasion and try any that are new to the market. My favorite before homebrewing, and still to this day when the batch is good, is Hargreaves Hill Pale Ale. A very fine drop, but sometimes inconsistent.
Whatever was cheapest out of Teddy's and Pils with the odd Coopers Pale Ale. I might get a few bottles of Reschs Dinner Ale each year too.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale... I could not get enough of it. Now, it is not hoppy enough for me. Actually, I do not think i can taste any hops in it anymore.

I think my first Australian beer was VB... it was recommended to me by some liquor shop worker. I almost spit it out of my mouth when i first drank it. I am not a big fan of it.... after that, I would drink Little Creatures Pale Ale, whereever i could find some.
I was a very typical VB drinker. Every thing else was crap. Coopers? Muddy Murray river water. Fosters? Only for the old blokes. Imported beer? Gay.

Oh how my taste buds (and attitude) have been changed by the wonderful world of home brewing!
VB and proud of it.

People on here bag the crap out of the commercial beer, but i bet my balls that everyone grew up on the stuff.
and i will still drink it and get drunk when i go away fishing and camping....easier to take cans



Could never drink VB but basically cycled through Tooheys Pils, Coopers Dark and whatever cheap euro import was on special.
Yep, my youthful experiences were full of Bud, Coors, Miller and more often cheaper crap than that! When you can buy a 6 pack for less than $3 and are on a tight budget, you don't hear a lot of complaining.
Emu Bitter and Swan Lager when it was around. They used to have Swan Lager on special for $20 a carton. Too hard not to buy it as a uni student! That was less than 10 years ago too.
Coopers soup - Sparkiling Ale - and Best Extra Stout were and still are my preferred commercial bevvies!
Never could appreciate that CUB "metalic twang" - very un-Australian of me, I know :p
Must get around to brewing a Sparkling Ale sometime - too many beers to brew, so little time!!

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