What To Do With Packet Hops

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Hey all,

Making myself 2 different batches of Muntons Yorkshire Bitter.

Never made it before so I'm going to make 2 different versions of it.

First Was going to be resonably plain.

1 x tin Muntons Yorkshire Bitter
1 x kg Light dry malt extract
Standard yeast with kit.

Second was going to be something a little different.

1 x tin Muntons Yorkshire Bitter
1 x kg Light dry malt extract
1 x kg dextrose for a little extra kick
Safale US-05 yeast
Fuggles hops
Goldings hops.

Now my questions are.... What does everyone think of those recipies? any other suggestions?

Also, the hops are in 25g brewcraft bags. I've only used hops a few times in the past and they were simple 10 min boil as per the instructions
and just put the water and teabag in the brew. What is the best way to do this with hop pellets? How long to boil for etc..

Thanks in advance
Option 2, except SafAle S-04 or Danstar Windsor yeast. Boil 10g of each hops for 10min, drain it into the fermentor before you pitch the yeast. Keep the dextrose down to 500g or less, otherwise it will be too thin.
hi mate,

i once made this beer with s04, 1.5kg of liq malt extract and dry hopped with some fuggles. it was a great beer, def recommend.

I'd go

max 500g of dextrose
Fuggles @ 10 mins
EKG (Goldings) dry hopped at around 3-4days

Loving EKG and dry hopping gets you a nice kick of aroma
thanks for the replies.

So definately seems like the S-04 yeast is the go. What temps should i be aiming for.
Also with the hops, if you say boil for 10 mins, how much water do u boil it in?
And is dry hopping just putting the hops themselves straight into the batch?

Thank again, newbie here :)
thanks for the replies.

So definately seems like the S-04 yeast is the go. What temps should i be aiming for.
Also with the hops, if you say boil for 10 mins, how much water do u boil it in?
And is dry hopping just putting the hops themselves straight into the batch?

Thank again, newbie here :)

18 deg for the temp (16-20). for me i dry hop in the primary around the 10th day, i also like to leave s04 in the primary for another week after fermentation reaches final gravity, maybe raise the temp to 20 for that last week to help the yeast cleanup. if i were you i'd dryhop to start with and look at hop boils later, but if you want have a search around cos there's plenty of options/opinions, you'll have to decide whats best for your situation.

Hey all,

Making myself 2 different batches of Muntons Yorkshire Bitter.

Never made it before so I'm going to make 2 different versions of it.

First Was going to be resonably plain.

1 x tin Muntons Yorkshire Bitter
1 x kg Light dry malt extract
Standard yeast with kit.

Second was going to be something a little different.

1 x tin Muntons Yorkshire Bitter
1 x kg Light dry malt extract
1 x kg dextrose for a little extra kick
Safale US-05 yeast
Fuggles hops
Goldings hops.

Now my questions are.... What does everyone think of those recipies? any other suggestions?

Also, the hops are in 25g brewcraft bags. I've only used hops a few times in the past and they were simple 10 min boil as per the instructions
and just put the water and teabag in the brew. What is the best way to do this with hop pellets? How long to boil for etc..

Thanks in advance

Do you already have all of the ingredients, do you have 2 fermenters & are you able to get to the LHBS prior to putting these together? If it's a yes to those 3 questions I'd suggest doing 2 batches side by side with a can, 1kg LDME & 500g dex each. I'd suggest either getting another packet of us05 (if you can get to LHBS easily enough) or making a big enough starter from the pack that you've got that you can use it in both batches. I'd do 1 batch with fuggles & 1 with goldings to taste the difference between the 2 hops. I've brewed experimentales side by side twice to see how much difference 1 variable makes. Unfortunately they turned out to be 4 of my worst beers but that's a different story.

Have a look on the sponsors sites for hops & yeast. I really don't want to know what brewcraft charge for 50g of hops or a packet of us05, I'm pretty sure it would make me angry. More important than the price, in the days when I didn't know there were better home brew shops around I'd go to brewcraft with a mental picture of the beer I wanted & the ingredients I'd need to brew it. I'd walk out every time looking in my bag wondering how I ended up buying ingredients for an imperial stout when I'd wanted to brew a corona clone. I try not to be opinionated about brewcraft but every time I drive past 1 it makes me think of overpriced substandard ingredients & advice that is mediocre at best. They put me off brewing for years.

Take heaps of good notes, even if something seems unimportant, write it down. Most importantly, enjoy it, have a beer & read plenty on here.
Have a look on the sponsors sites for hops & yeast. I really don't want to know what brewcraft charge for 50g of hops or a packet of us05, I'm pretty sure it would make me angry. More important than the price, in the days when I didn't know there were better home brew shops around I'd go to brewcraft with a mental picture of the beer I wanted & the ingredients I'd need to brew it. I'd walk out every time looking in my bag wondering how I ended up buying ingredients for an imperial stout when I'd wanted to brew a corona clone. I try not to be opinionated about brewcraft but every time I drive past 1 it makes me think of overpriced substandard ingredients & advice that is mediocre at best. They put me off brewing for years.

Thats so true. My first brew is still in the fermenter so I am your true newbie. I took the recipe I researched on this forum to my Brewcrat shop only to have the guy tell me it would be undrinkable swill and that guys on forums dont have any idea how to make good beer (I then discovered he didnt actually stock the brands I was after). He put together a suggested recipe for my 1st beer (and then got the shits when I didnt buy it all on the spot). When I took his list home to check it out on the recipe section here, I discovered the IPA I was planning to make would turn out to be a Belgian style Lager with the ingredients he had tried to sell me. I jumped onto one of the sponsor links here, ordered the correct ingredients, had them delivered to my door 2 days later, and saved myself $23 on the ingredients I was quoted in store.

Lesson learnt; support the sponsors and trust the experience of other home-brewers.

thanks again for all the replies.

Yes i have 2 barrels, side by side, a 4kg bag of LDME, plenty of dex, a couple of 250g packs of corn srup (maltodex), both hop packets.
I'll have to get the 2 x packs of S-04 yeast today, but thats no probs. Local home brew store is just a BBQ's Galore. So they stock a bit of everything. The hops they had just happened to be brewmaster. Yep ill definately have a look at the sponsors, gotta be cheaper than the local place.

I like the suggestion of making the same thing in both barrels and varying the hops.

Still a little unclear how to use the hops. So dryhopping after the initial fermenting is just throwing 12g of pallets straight into the brew, letting it sit for another week or so?

Sorry a little confused.

Dry hopping will be easier & quicker. The cans are pre bittered, I'd dry hop but that's personal opinion.

Edit: yep, just chuck them in after a week or so & leave for another week.
I took the recipe I researched on this forum to my Brewcrat shop only to have the guy tell me it would be undrinkable swill and that guys on forums dont have any idea how to make good beer

All those guys placing in State and National comps, but of course AHB members don't know how to make good beer ! :) You have done well in deciding to avoid this retailer. These days its so cheap to buy online, get what you want the first time and deal with some positive-natured business owners/staff instead of Mr. Brewcraft.
awesome, thanks again for the replies.

I just had a look through the prices of the sponsors of the site. Looks like i wont be buying locally anymore :) heaps cheaper online. Might have to do a big order soon :)