What One Single Thing Improved Your Beer In 2006

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The single biggest thing for me was the purchas of a Mashmaster Thermometer. A truly fantastic thermo to use...

And some bloke called Ross, who finally allowed me to source decent ingredients
One thing: the BJCP course, with a good bunch of blokes.

I tasted and learned and discussed and evaluated, and gave and received feedback.

Well worth the effort, even if you don't sit the exam. Improve your beer knowledge, and make sure that you taste/evaluate/judge other homebrewers product, as well as commercial product.


Hear Hear Les,

Was a great series of sessions. Although many of you must have been very naughty boys as you were regularly kept after class :D

We will have to continue the 'education' next year !

Don't know if i could narrow it down to one thing.
Moving to AG, and kegging..... without kegs i would have given up the K & K for sure.This site then showed me the path to better beer, a less healthy bank balance, and, some say, and obsession....
I say its only an obsession if you can't do without it, so see, i can.... hang on, must be obsession then!!!

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