What Is Your "favorite" Mega Swill?

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If you had to drink megaswill which one would you choose?

  • XXXX

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carlton Cold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toheys Extra Dry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toheys Super Dry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pure Blonde

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toheys Old

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carlton Draught

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toheys New

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Coopers doesn't qualify as mega-swill. ;)

That is the perception coopers works hard at making.

However, they are definitely a Mega-Swill brewer

Also, there is no james squires on the list?

From the list thou - I would go new I guess
There seems to be a definite "State" preference here so I will vote for XXXX the beer of kings (who drink megaswill, that is :D )

TP :beer:

Edit --- I don't class Coopers as megaswill either.
It's only a higher price outside SA :)

Voted old, the only beer with flavour.... Every other beer is so similar you can't tell them apart to pick a favourite.
Where's Fosters?

Barry McKenzie would be spewing in his grave (or someone else's)!
[quote name='Adamt' date='Sep 17 2008, 05:29 PM' post='354761'
Voted old, the only beer with flavour.... Every other beer is so similar you can't tell them apart to pick a favourite.


However, If I'm driving, usually 20 or so km from the golf course to home, I'll drink a Charlie or two at the club.
By the way, a Charlie is a Charles Perkins. Mostly white, but with a bit of black. Thus it's a Light with a good dash of Old in it.
+1 for the Kent Old (Brown) I have enjoyed it for years in the local RSLs but some are moving it aside for the more popular mid-strength (yuk) or Blonde.

Good on Hurstville RSL for not only keeping it on tap, but keeping the price at $3.50 a schooner too!!!!

Cheerz Wab
I wouldn't class Coopers beers as megaswill due to higher price.

Coopers, especially the Pale Ale is frequently cheaper than new and vb at the local woolies here. No way in the world I would pay $40+ for vb or new when you can often pick up coopers for $39.99.

Ohh and I voted Old.

I am with Geoffi

+1 for Fosters

Old here as well.
And the beauty of it is, if you like the stuff you can get pretty close with a few kits such as Coopers Dark, Morgans Old and Tooheys Dark Ale.

As for prices, down my way VB costs more than CPA.
Coopers, especially the Pale Ale is frequently cheaper than new and vb at the local woolies here. No way in the world I would pay $40+ for vb or new when you can often pick up coopers for $39.99.

Ohh and I voted Old.

Normally find that the other way around. Although I'd normally pick up a carton of Swan Draught or even Emu Bitter if that's down around $35. That'll all change once the homebrewing is in full swing.
Tooheys new, grew up with it, very predicable hangover and not to severe. Must be the conditioning.
I used to drink a lot of Carlton Draught back when I was living in Melbourne. After moving to Adelaide and getting onto the pales every time I go back it tastes really nutty for some reason and takes a bit of getting used to.

I can't see it stacking up all that well next time I head back after getting used to my own brews.
I voted Pure Blonde, Not because of the Low Carb kick but because I find it actually contains some (and i use the term loosely) hop flavour compared to the rest. That being said I have never actually bought it, It was at a bbq i went to.
Where is all the votes for Cold? :ph34r:

Im suprised there are no votes for cold too. I cant drink it anymore. When i was younger they bought out a Cold + Dash of vodka. and i got a carton of it.. never. never again.

I didnt class Coopers as Megaswill.. I cant say for sure, but i dont think its made in the same way megaswill is made? Its made more traditionally.. but i could be wrong.
Ahh... Carlton Cold... the fruit + veg shop near where I used to live had this stuff on special for about 6 months at $26.95/carton. I drank a fair bit of it back then (didn't know any better), and very little since.

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