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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
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South Australia
I just kegged an IPA I made, and it tastes delicious! The problem is- it doesn't taste like an IPA! Here's what I used-

Coopers Pale Ale can
1kg LDME
1.5kg Pale Malt
300g Munich Malt
200g Amber Malt
300g Crystal Malt
300g Wyermann Carapils
30g Chinook (60 mins)
16g Goldings (30 mins)
16g Goldings (20 mins)
20g Cascade (5 mins)

Yeast: Safale US-56

What beer does this recipe make? It tastes quite mellow, medium bitterness, and a range of other flavours I cannot find the words to describe.

2 questions-

1- what style is this beer?

2- I know I have to replace the LDME with 2kg of pale malt, but what should I do to replace the can (both grain-wise and hop-wise) to retain the same flavour that I am getting now?


It sounds alot liek an APA - American Pale Ale.
APA, eh? sounds like it, cheers.

What should i replace the coopers can with to make it an AG recipe? (along with the grain to replace the LDME)
All I would be doing is uping the pale malt to about 4kg's.
For an IPA? Do you use a program like beersmith/promash? Put those amounts in and see what you get. For an IPA you would be looking at a minimum 40 IBU's so they would need to be uped a bit. If you wanted an APA i would stick with the amounts you have already but change the hops to suit the style.

A particular recipe does not necessarily have to fit into any particular style. You can't fit a square peg into any round hole.
if the square pegs width is less than or equal to the round holes radius then it fits . :)

Only if you're measuring the width from corner to corner, for equal to and some vales of less than, which is not how anyone would do it unless it was explicitly specified :p

And even then, the peg will rotate in the hole and as such, not fit properly. So there.
Kai said:
Only if you're measuring the width from corner to corner, for equal to and some vales of less than, which is not how anyone would do it unless it was explicitly specified :p

And even then, the peg will rotate in the hole and as such, not fit properly. So there.

and any square peg will fit in any round hole if you use a hammer
Then the only logical conclusion is we apply a hammer to this beer until it fits.
Kai said:
Then the only logical conclusion is we apply a hammer to this beer until it fits.

Or just drink the Beer until u get Hammered...

get the angle grinder out but P&K if you not sure of what grains to use for ag for a apa lots of recipies on the net check the links on this site also get ray daniels designing great beers lot of info and what grains to use and the aprox % and hops to style then u can work your way around tat to start
OK, cheers for the advice!

n00ch- I have the demo version of promash, but it confuses me! Does the official site have some sort of 'promash for idiots' section?
I really can't answer that one as i use BeerSmith.

Maybe one of the promash users can answer??
peas_and_corn said:
APA, eh? sounds like it, cheers.

What should i replace the coopers can with to make it an AG recipe? (along with the grain to replace the LDME)

With those hops I reckon APA, Just replace the can and LDME with the equivalent extract value. Depending on effeciency a starting point would be to replace 500g of dry with 1Kg of base grain or 750g of extract with 1 Kg of base grain. Test the resultant wort for target gravity (efficiency) and adjust during the boil (add water or boil longer etc) to reach the target OG. Your hops bill sounds - Yum

Peas and korn, try beertools.com, its the brewing program for dummies, its sooooo easy to use its not funny. Promash has always confused me, though im not the brightest spark i must admit!.
Screwtop said:
peas_and_corn said:
APA, eh? sounds like it, cheers.

What should i replace the coopers can with to make it an AG recipe? (along with the grain to replace the LDME)

With those hops I reckon APA, Just replace the can and LDME with the equivalent extract value. Depending on effeciency a starting point would be to replace 500g of dry with 1Kg of base grain or 750g of extract with 1 Kg of base grain. Test the resultant wort for target gravity (efficiency) and adjust during the boil (add water or boil longer etc) to reach the target OG. Your hops bill sounds - Yum


It is yum! I think I'll be using these ones a little more often and POR a little less <_<
I reckon you might get away with calling it an American Indian Pale Ale (AIPA). OG I would guestimate at about 1.06something and IBUs in the range of 40 (Coopers Pale Ale has about 23 iirc). If it tastes good, brew it again.