What Is Everyone Brewing For Christmas?

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I make wort, the yeast make it beer.
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What's everyone got in the fridge for Christmas?

My holiday brews are:
2x batches of Drsmurto's Landlord
Double batch of Argon's Little Fellas Pale Ale
and a christmas spiced cider.

Should keep the outlaws happy for a couple of days at least.

I'm brewing a bunch of saisons over summer and keeping the hell away from anything related to either Christmas or me.
I'm brewing a bunch of saisons over summer and keeping the hell away from anything related to either Christmas or me.

I don't blame you. I'd be doing the same if I could. At least my family hates golf, is a good few hours respite each day.
Actually going away on first proper holiday in possibly 10 years. Tassie, camping, (mostly - and checking out some breweries) for a couple of weeks.

Me and my lady and no other obligations (at least I have decided any supposed obligations/expectations can go get ******).

Will catch up with my brother and his lovely wife for dinner a week or so before but that has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with them being worthwhile people who we haven't seen for a bit.

Anyway saisons on the go, a series of noble hopped golden ales, a landlordy/EPA, a biere de garde and an ESB all bottled, a cider, 1 more noble hopped golden ale and a dubbel to be bottled soon and whatever the vic case swap brings me.
Not really for christmas but will most likely be sipping on a Belgian Single, smurtos landlord, an APA or two and probably a mediocre black ipa that hasn't blown yet...
Got a dozen or so bottles of AIPA and the same of DSGA to take on my holiday (like Manticle, first proper hol. for years). Have 2 more DSGA variations and another AIPA that will get kegged in next week or 2. Oh, and some JAO mead. Should have the beermasons summer pack in the next week or so too. :)
Have my side of the family coming this year. 9 adults.
Will have 3 taps going.
LCBA clone - a house beer here
A Robust Porter - Goes well with Traditional Xmas meal
The Half Wit - my take on a Belgian Wit. Super sipper in the heat. Tart & refreshing.

I expect to have them in that order too. LCBA before lunch, Porter with lunch then Half wit all afternoon.
Gonna be a good day. :icon_chickcheers:
Will be kegging a 10L keg weizen this weekend and then the strawberry weizen will be made with the rest of the batch.
Maybe take a bottle of the Babbs wild brew.
Then I've bought a couple of beer christmas presents, a 5L keg for Dad he might need some help with, and some Moa big bottles too :)
saison, weizen, 10m IPA, dry stout in no particular order
knocked out a dr smurto's golden ale after a disaster run in the home brewing world yesterday. everything is getting fried in bleach till those fermenters get going again. will knock out another batch of smurtos tomorrow and will use the newly aquired "Bribie G 60L fermenter" to ferment the 2 batches.
I got a coffee choc porter, Drsmurtos golden ale double batch, Sierra navada double batch, Bullshead wit, and a bullshead kolsch and the same recipe brewed with a lager yeast.
Nothing of mine! Away from Monday until Jan 7th - Thailand (Bangkok) for 2 weeks, then back home to Hobart to see the parents and relies for 3 weeks...

Manticle - we should catch up for a beer!
A 10 week cc'd koelsh, a weizen, and a pale mild.
Manticle - we should catch up for a beer!

If it coincides - for sure. Plans not concrete yet but probably in or around hobart just after New Year's. Heading back to Melb on the 4th from launceston.

From your dates, it looks as if we may just miss each other though.
xmas for me will be as follows-

1. moose droll brown ale
2. antwerp arvo. belgian pale
3. dr smuto's golden
4. bier de linde IPA

variety is the spice of life...
well I got a lager I am CC now (will keg on sunday to free up fridges and fermenter, that the other half will be dumped straight onto the yeast), then brewing a IPA tomorrow so should have a 4.2% lager and a 6.2% IPA on tap by then :p but wont be sharing it with misses family (they live around here and dont appreciate good beer) But my parents are coming down after xmas and dad loves my beers and he usually brings a carton of coopers or something nice and about 20 bottles of that gets left behind when they leave so at least if I get drunk out he always leaves me with beer till my next ones ready!
variety is the spice of life...

Totally! My keg fridge is starting to freak at the seams.

I gotta have a bit of a brag now because i tend to stock the cellar for this time of year...
Trippel, Black IPA, Oatmeal Stout, Vienna Lager, Smoked Irish Red, Kolsch, Simcoe APA, Burton Bitter, Brown Porter, English Golden Ale

Notably for the xmas season i brewed an English Golden with challenger and styrian, and an all Simcoe APA. I got an English IPA down now waiting in the wings for when it damn well cools down a bit.

How good is beer ! ! !
Bollinger for breakfast :icon_cheers:

and a weizen and a nice clean wai-iti APA if needed later. But I think I may be at someone else's place so may be drinking grape juice instead...