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I love the fact that as opposed to alot of other forums out there, this one isn't full of people who seem to just be out to stir shit....

Now that I have the use of the search function down pat, I love reading back over other peoples experiences and getting inspiration from their ideas, like many if it wasn't for AHB I'd never expand beyond K+K...

First attempt at hopping and steeping grains next week, party on.
Lots of great info. I've been on here only a very short time and am already seeing a great improvement in my beers.

That no matter what question I have, someone on here has the answer (or answers). Whether it means trying my luck with searching, or creating a thread and hoping to avoid a barrage of 'use the search function' :) I know I'll get my answer.
A great feature with this site is the topic subscription notifications that include the text of the replies in the emails!

Saves me a bit of bandwidth!
Apart from getting great advice, and sharing the love of HB'ing and beer in general. If it weren't for AHB I would be so fickin' board at work :lol:
I love it when you are reading the forum at a time when two people get their knickers in a twist, and it degrades into a slagging match and some angry words are written, abuse gets hurled, etc, and you get to see the dirty laundry before it gets deleted by the mods (and rightfully) - I'm not going to mention names, there's another thread for that! It's like a little bit of Jerry Springer in an otherwise Oprah-like world.... :eek: :lol:

Seriously though, I like looking through the photo albums and seeing other people's set ups. And I like that fact that I get meet some of you lot at the upcoming case-swap at Dr Smurto's.
Cheers! B)
Darren, Darren, Darren :wacko:
"Whats in the Glass" thread

Gotta love them pictures

If it weren't for AHB I would be so fickin' board at work :lol:

We have a ZERO alcohol policy at my work. No one is allowed to have it on their person or even talk about it. The IT NAZIS block any site that contains any words related to alcohol.

There is always the car forums, but they too, are getting blocked, slowly!
I love it when you are reading the forum at a time when two people get their knickers in a twist, It's like a little bit of Jerry Springer

huh! those false pretenders and paid stooges of Springers would last about 2 minutes on here :rolleyes:

We have a ZERO alcohol policy at my work. No one is allowed to have it on their person or even talk about it. The IT NAZIS block any site that contains any words related to alcohol.

There is always the car forums, but they too, are getting blocked, slowly!

Why's that? That's the worste news I've heard since the spice girls reforming
Since I'm not on Facebook, and refuse to be, where else can I post my photo of Ross and me behind his bar but on this forum. Thank you Pumpy.
Plus, the forum has put me in touch with a couple of local AG brewers I otherwise would never have met.
I have to say that having access to so much info that is not written for experienced pro brewers has made me much more confident to experiment and go with my intuition. That said I kinda brew 'from the hip' and guesstimate calcs, which has proved very OK thusfar - I'm 22 brews old. I promise to brew to proper recipes sometime soon.

Also I have AHB to think for my entire hop farm.

where else can I post my photo of Ross and me behind his bar but on this forum.

In fear that it has been asked and that so many people get annoyed at people asking the same questions and not knowing how to use the search function properly, where are these photo's of Ross's bar which ive been hearing so much about lately on AHB? I'm keen to have a looksie

Love all the information that is shared, great place to come learn things!!

I LOVE the ingenuity on here, 8L garden sprayer party kegs rock!
If it wasn't for AHB I wouldn't have got a keg set up at home and currently be able to drink beer from the tap. I'd also be far more lost in the art of homebrewing and would have most likely just chucked another kilo of white sugar in the fermentor and wonder why the beer doesn't quite taste like it should.

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