What Has Been Your Longest Run Of Afd's

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How often would u have a Alcohol Free session?

  • once a week

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  • once a month

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  • once a year

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  • Never

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  • Total voters
:D i usually have at least 3 before indoor cricket and maybe 2 before basketball. calms the nerves i say. also can justify it by actualy participating in some form of quick movement (read :sport). no bar at your indoor centre? :eek:
Hahaha, i'd be lying if I said I hadn't played a few games of indoor soccerwithout the 'aid' of alcohol.
I do distinctly recall playing quite a great grand final after spending an lazy Sunday afternoon nursing three 1L steins of Hefeweizen at the Lowenbrau Keller in Sydney.
I plan to have an AFD tomorrow. Just like I did yesterday and the day before. This thread must have been started by my wife.

I may drink everyday but I havnt been totally pissed for a long time. I enjoy a good beer.
This is like AAs but I will confess I drink too much. Like a lot of others my work keeps me safe, week off here & a week off there but tend to binge a bit too much for my liking, on the next day anyway, but great fun & relaxing at the time.
Hello my name is Cocko and I am an alcoholic! - "Hello Cocko"

I like the theory: Don't drink - 1 day a week, 1 week a month, 1 month a year!

I said I like it, not stand by it... The one day a week is best kept and occasionally 1 week a month but F*ck me a whole month!!

Best run I can remember ON PURPOSE of late is 12 days!! Good huh?

mine was about 18 years, then I turned a18 :p well actually it was 18 years straight as did drink in between there some where :D
I may as well get me some necromancy action too.
Last year I didn't drink for about 6 days because I was in hospital on morphine and oxygen. Unfortunately they didn't give me morphine and oxygen for the 6 days, just a couple of glorious days.
I don't often go a day without beer.
Old thread but I recently gave up beer for 2 weeks straight to help me give up the lung cancer sticks. Been just over a month without a ciggy. Back on the beers now and loving it, not drinking Monday to Wednesday tho.

Nice work giving up the cigs. I haven't had a smoke for 7 years, couldn't imagine myself having another one. (Except the odd cigar)

There's no chance of me going 7 years without a beer though. I think I may have done about 7 days without a beer at some stage but can't be sure, seems unlikely....
i work on a ship 5 weeks on 5 weeks off. The ship is dry and 0 tolerance drug and alcohol policy so I dont drink for 5weeks but when im home I get into it pretty good, have to make space for the next lot of brews.
27 days including today..


AFDs 1-2 days a week, max 3 days a week, in recent memory. I'm sure I've done about 5 at some stage over the last few years.

I believe in LESS, MORE often, as opposed to MORE, LESS often. I try to drink in moderation, especially during the week.

Never seen a need for a month off or anything like that.
I went about 6 months without a drink once, forgot to buy grog and well, ... didn't happen for a while.
I rarely drank a beer for I never liked the mega swill . Now thirty years on I am making up for it . :eek:

Used to drink nearly every night, now I only drink on weekends unless I'm on holiday, maybe once a month I'll have a couple during the week. Also started lifting weights 3 nights a week, feeling much better all round. Only have to brew once every month or two nowadays.
at the moment i'm trying not to drink mon-thurs and it's working out pretty well, if i go out for dinner or something like that during the week i still have one or two and i know my body thanks me for it.

friday nights i always have a few while playing table top games with mates. saturdays/sundays i'v been known to binge though, not so young anymore!
but it's better than the almost everynight stoned drunk i use to be

looks like the mediun for most is once a week with either 1 or 2 days alcohol free. thats not to bad.
I usually have a day with nothing once a week or so, more to do with my schedule rather than actually intending to do so. Rarely more than 2 days at a time unless I'm sick. I'm pretty young, don't binge too often and generally have good energy levels and feel pretty healthy. I figure I'd best enjoy being able to drink whenever I like before weight/hangovers/etc. become a problem later in life.

I find my drinking increases considerably when I have a recipe by Smurto or Ross on tap......
90Days....just leads to binging for me.
So now, beer every second day, no more than a couple unless catching up with peeps. Havn't been pissed in ages.

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