What Has Been Your Longest Run Of Afd's

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How often would u have a Alcohol Free session?

  • once a week

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  • once a month

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  • once a year

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  • Never

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About 2700 days AFD was my best. Was teetotal for 7 1/2 years. Eased my way back into it in 2002. Started Home brewing in 2003. I have almost made amends! :D

I still try not to drink during the week.

I believe Churchilll said it best when he said: "I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. "

Now there is a man i would have loved to have had a drink with!
usually one week a month while on call (might have one beer during the week, but that doesnt really count ;) ) and probably a couple of days every week in between.
however now i've started kegging its soo easy to sneak down for a taste here and there.
Longest run would probably be about 10 years. Then I started home brewing.

Wednesday and Thursday are my AFD's now. Unless I'm oncall then I don't drink at all.
As i work away i kinda stay away from the beer for 8 days then have 6 days on it.Doesnt always work as the lure of cheap little creatures makes me break on occasions.

Big D
Nice. I can't beleive that I never drank before I got married, then I just got one case a year, in December, and it was my christmas case, then SWMBO bought me a Coopers Kit for Christmas, and the rest is history. I run my wife through this little sinario and she has a complex now now. ie. the longer we stay married the more I drink. She's booking me in for a liver transplant in about 5 years. ;)


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I drink when I feel like drinking, Get drunk when I feel like getting drunk and have AFD's when I don't feel like drinking.
No rules here. Don't care for rules too much.
I drink when I feel like drinking, Get drunk when I feel like getting drunk and have AFD's when I don't feel like drinking.
No rules here. Don't care for rules too much.

Good for you. My problem is that I always feel like drinking. If I don't set myself a target like x AFDs per week, I'll have no AFDs per week and that, my friend, just ain't healthy.
No rules or plans for me. Occasionally I'll wonder if I'm drinking for the enjoyment or just for the sake of it. If it's the latter I'll give it a rest until I feel like a beer again. The frequency between these events varies from minutes to weeks.
I'm with axl. Im healthy and cant remember the last time I had an AFD. Like the last time, and the time before that there was a AFD thread :p i mentioned its all about moderation.

15 years was my longest run, but as soon as I turned 16 it was game on ;)
Im healthy and cant remember the last time I had an AFD.

That's fine and good for the short term. How will you be in another 38 years? AFDs are an important part of moderation. Ask any health care professional.

I'm not going to get involved in this discussion, just doing my usual Public Service Announcement.
This is a very interesting topic. This is what the experts say:

Long-term risk -- For males, the consumption of up to 28 standard drinks per week is considered 'low risk', 29 to 42 per week 'risky', and 43 or more per week 'high risk'. For females, the consumption of up to 14 standard drinks per week is considered 'low risk', 15 to 28 per week 'risky', and 29 or more per week 'high risk'.

Short-term risk -- The consumption of 7 or more standard drinks for men, or 5 or more standard drinks for women, on any one drinking occasion, is considered risky in the short term.

The problem we face is our beers are often higher in alcohol than std. beers and those bif wheat beer glasses hold a lot more than a std. drink. So if we worked out how much we were consuming in std. drink I reckon some of us might get a shock.
That why I wont do the numbers.

As I enjoy a beer with dinner most nights & i refuse to bottle stubies its about 3 std a night. I still aim for 2 AFD's a week.

Problem being that since the old man & I set up the keg system on Xmas day and we are having dinner out the back next to the drinks fridge because of the nice weather, well take a guess of the results :rolleyes:
That's why I give the liver the odd day off.
My new years resolution is to have two AFD's per week.

My new years resolution is to have two AFD's per week.

Well that did not last long. Although I did have one yesterday, and I am making lighter beers. I did my first beer in about 100 brews that was under 1.050 OG :eek:
I am planning to have July off the beer alcohol free. Will be very hard not sipping a Belgian Srong Ale on those late nights in July watching the Tour De France, but it's something I just have to do.

Will be very hard not sipping a Belgian Srong Ale on those late nights in July watching the Tour De France, but it's something I just have to do.

That reminds me, gotta research my Strong Belgian Ale recipe for July ;)

This placed 2nd in the Hunter comp this year. Very nice.

#45 Belgian Strong *
Belgian Golden Strong Ale

Type: All Grain
Date: 21/07/2007
Batch Size: 28.00 L
Brewer: Stephen Wright
Boil Size: 35.90 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 75 min Equipment: Hop Monster Brewery
Taste Rating(out of 50): 0.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 66.00
Taste Notes: 3rd HAG 2008


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7500.00 gm Pilsner (Weyermann) (3.3 EBC) Grain 70.56 %
750.00 gm Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 7.06 %
350.00 gm Amber Malt (43.3 EBC) Grain 3.29 %
350.00 gm Carafoam (Weyermann) (3.9 EBC) Grain 3.29 %
350.00 gm Carared (Weyermann) (47.3 EBC) Grain 3.29 %
45.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.20 %] (60 min) Hops 13.2 IBU
10.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.90 %] (60 min) Hops 6.9 IBU
55.00 gm Saaz [2.50 %] (30 min) Hops 7.4 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1000.00 gm Brown Sugar, Dark (98.5 EBC) Sugar 9.41 %
330.00 gm Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 EBC) Sugar 3.10 %
1 Pkgs Belgian Strong Ale (Wyeast Labs #1388) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.087 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.087 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.020 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.016 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.73 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 9.31 %
Bitterness: 27.5 IBU Calories: 845 cal/l
Est Color: 26.1 EBC Color: Color

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Double Infusion, Light Body Total Grain Weight: 9300.00 gm
Sparge Water: 15.21 L Grain Temperature: 12.0 C
Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C TunTemperature: 12.0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Double Infusion, Light Body Step Time Name Description Step Temp
10 min Protein Rest Add 15.00 L of water at 54.0 C 46.0 C
60 min Saccrification Add 15.00 L of water at 88.5 C 65.0 C
Well that did not last long. Although I did have one yesterday, and I am making lighter beers. I did my first beer in about 100 brews that was under 1.050 OG :eek:
I am planning to have July off the beer alcohol free. Will be very hard not sipping a Belgian Srong Ale on those late nights in July watching the Tour De France, but it's something I just have to do.


Good on ya for getting your OG under 1.050 OG. I make nearly all of my brews under 1.045 OG and aim for sessionable beers of 3.0-4.5% ABV. When I do stray over that gravity it is usually a strong Belgian of 8.5-9.0% ABV or so but only a small batch of 10-15 litres and it goes into stubbies and not on tap, just for special occasions.

Being divorced with part-time custody of children is great for achieving AFD's; 2-3 days per weeks are devoted to my daughters so beer/blokey behaviour takes a back seat.

Cheers, Andrew.

Disclaimer : The author does not promote divorce as a solution to your AFD requirements, but it does solve other problems. ;)

Edit : Disclaimer.

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