What Glasses?

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I'm just about to sample 1 bottle of my first batch in 20 years. Back then, I had purchased (got free with purchase???) some quite nice Heiniekin glasses from Grace Brothers - see, showing my age :D

I usually drink longnecks in a tankard which keeps thing cold and frothy, but I wasnt to be able to see what the brew is doing in the glass.

So, rather than paying $2 for 6 glasses at K-mart, does onlyone have suggestins for some "nicer" quality glasses? Or, doesn't it matter at all?

I'm thinking middy (NSW) size at this stage

Thanks for all the suggestions that will be coming ;)

Most LHBS have a selection of reasonably priced glasses.
You could always steal glasses from the pub..its easy,and unethical and pretty dumb, as well as being a criminal act!! I use schooner glasses I scored in dozen boxes from a local hospitality store.
I also use a Reidel (wine) tasting glass that holds 20ml in the "stem",the idea being that you can lay it on its side and roll it without spilling any..coating the sides of the glass and maximising the surface area for full aroma...

20 years....welcome back !!!

I thought this was going to be a thread about AHB glasses. :rolleyes:

I frequent trash n treasure once in a while (say once per month), always find beer glasses of varying shapes and sizes there.

Thus far have picked up:

Headmaster schooner glasses 2 for $5;
generic schooner glasses 4 for $5;
750ml glass beer mug, 2 for $1
Tooheys Old beer mug, $1;
dogbolter beer mug, $2;
Lowenbrau Munchen beer glass (not quite tulip style), $1;
Vanuatu Tusker Beer Mug, $1;

Also have some fancy Beer glasses the Mrs bought for me, they come out when the Queen visits.

So appart from the headmaster glasses (which I still thought was pretty cheap), you can pick up some bargains for unusual or interesting glasses, but you have to be patient.

Not a bad selection here
I've ordered a few little bar things from them (but haven't received them yet), their prices seem pretty reasonable.
I picked up 6 nice big brandy balloon-style glasses from a local Op shop for $6 a while ago. Good glasses for rich ales and stouts.
I've picked up glasses from the local catering / hospitality / kitchen supply shop. I like the 1/2 pint dimple mugs with a handle.. went to a kitchen style place in the shopping mall.. $13.95 each.. feck off i says.... went to the hospitality place.. $1.32 each.. same mug..... unbelieveable. And they have a heap of different styles.
I want some like the first in the list in the link that KGB posted above. All the kitchen/catering supply places I've been to only sell glasses in lots of 48 or something - a few too many for me :p thanks for the link I may well buy some now!

I picked up 6 glasses for $6bux recently at the local kitchen supply store 'the chef's hat' in south melbourne, which is arguably the most expensive kitchen supply store in melbs. I don't know a single chef who shops there because of pricing.. Irregardless, I was in the area with time to kill, I love my glassware and couldn't resist..

and YES! glassware does make a diff!

(from left to right) standard pub potX2, tall pilsner, short pilsner, high-ball, tall wheat.

$6 bucks mate.

and big welcome back to brewing! first batch in 20 years :)

have fun :eek:

I got some fancy glasses on the weekend from the local op shop

4 x fancy wheat beer glasses - with a larger bulb shape on top
5 x pint glasses with dimples - but unlike any i've seen before
3 x 1/2 pint as above

all for 12 dollars :)

SWMBO is gonna kill me if i get any more glasses

But she had to agree that these were pretty cool

I think JS are still offering a middie with a 6-er of GA, not a bad glass either, buy a case and get 4.

Edit: I think they may by Oxford style, if not they are similar.
Picked up a couple of 20 oz Nonics at a catering supply place in Ballarat that supplies to the public. $1.35 each eh, cant go wrong. :)

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