What Did You Score For Fathers Day ?

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Another Fathers Day, and again my family have delivered :p

A cooler bag on wheels (yes it is Holden, but it is the size of it that matters).


Because when used in conjunction with these two items, plus a small gas regulator, soda stream adaptor, soda stream gas bottle, and the flare disconnect tap adaptor (which I already have all of) I'm mobile :beerbang:


Road trip next week. :chug:

So what did you guys score ?
Happy Fathers Day.

So what did you guys score ?
Happy Fathers Day.


Happy Fathers Day Doc - I scored three bottles of Leffe Radieuse from my daughter. Yum.

Cheers and a happy day to all the fathers.

Happy Fathers Day to all fathers out there.

I got a socket set and a block of coffee flavoured chocolate. Can't work out the brew angle though. Maybe a chocolate porter?


Happy Fathers day guys.

Im not there yet, couple of years to go...I did get a card from my cat tho :blink:

I also got my dad Tiger Woods PGA tour 2008, he loves golf so should enjoy..Biggups DAD!
I got a teddy bear and a carwash kit , also a beer glass.

Happy Fathers Day.

Half a dozen stemmed pilsner glasses and about 20 assorted bottles of quality beer. Outstanding.
Got a nice pair of fluffy slippers, makes me feel a little old when you get slippers.......

A big box of Ferrero Rocher, think the kids have polished them off already, a trip on the local cruise boat to a nice restraunt and bar with my Father in a couple of weeks, damn, i had planned a brew day for that day...a very nice smelling candle, and the hand made bits, which are the best...

AND pancakes in bed...YUMMO!

A great day to all!...

I got some beer shirts... got Dad a fresh wort kit, he is just starting his homebrewing after watching and tasting my adventures
I scored a years subscription to Beer & Brewer and will be heading to the Belgian Beer Cafe in Cammeray for lunch.

I hope everyone has a good day.

Edit: Mr Bond - that's an awesome shirt.
Scored heaps of chocolates,undies,t/shirts and subscription to Beer & Brewer Magazine !
i bought my father a new micromatic reg (and one for myself) :)
Box set of Black Books series 1-3...

Not beer related but then again the birthday is only a couple of weeks away...

I love September :)
Scored a few kits to brew and some great hand made cards from the kids.

A 6-pack of amber ale from the wife the the instructions to drink them on the deck this afternoon in the sun

Also got bacon and eggs from breckie!
happy dads day to all,

scored a Weber, heaps of choccy and the usual bag of licorice.


Off to a beer lunch this arvo :super:
Only on e thing beer related this year a book by Willie Simpson

Pumpy :)

No big pressies in my house, but I got to sleep in till 10am, a cuddle from the wife, & a painting from my 2 1/2 year old.
Now to get on with some work..:)
A jumper, some nougat and I'll be buying a new golf buggy. Wasn't happy with the ones I saw at Drummonds yesterday, so I'm going to hunt around. Nothing beer related :blink:

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