What Did You Score For Fathers Day ?

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Hey Les, where did you find these?
I found them in a box by my back door when I returned from 2 days at Taylors Arms with Keith the Beer Guy.
Generously collected for me by Trent when he was in the US, and dropped off on his way home from the airport.

Seriously, I ordered 2 from evilBay (see the eBay thread for the link, or search for 64 oz growler or beer growler) and Trent paid up-front for the other 2 when he was sampling at the Stone Brewery recently. I believe he bought himself some too.

I have already bottled some Ruination clone(?) in one of the Stone Brew growlers.

Seth :p
Got a toblerone, Family Guy trivia game and a tour of the Brewhouse with my Dad. The tour was great value. 5 pots, a meal and a presentation from the owner/brewer for $20. Grant was very accomodating and happy to answer any questions. He even ran off some lager yeast from the current schwarzbier for me, which is great. It's sitting in my fridge ready to be washed. Great day.
Alas no prezzies,

But the same as every year i awoke to a sensual pair of lips that kissed and caressed EVERY square inch of my body untill i exploded in pure extacy... :eek:

Unfortunatly Mrs Sqyre was away on buisness so thanks again Incider... ;)

Sqyre.. :lol:

thats gold

I didnt get anything beer related..I guess I could wear it whilst brewing....even had to cook my own dinner!

Happy Fathers Day for yesterday all you Dad's!

I scored myself an assorted pack of Weinstephaners including a great looking 500ml Pilsner glass and stein, courtesy of the International Beer Shop, cheers family!

I got a key ring from the 5 year old, nothing from the 3 year! Ordered stuff from Ross in disgust. Only a man knows ....

3 year did pour me a beer though - Celli taps - even a three year can pour a great beer time after time after time....
i'd be withholding Xmas presents until you get what you're owed Bill!
3 year did pour me a beer though - Celli taps - even a three year can pour a great beer time after time after time....

he/she has prolly been practicing when you're not looking :p
i'd be withholding Xmas presents until you get what you're owed Bill!

I figure I just need to buy my own presents!

3 year old is limited to a shot glass of water with a bit og foam on top - he has ambitions though.
Yep, I'm on the 18 Sept too - so it's a month of celebration!

Cheers - MIke :super:

I'm a year older on the 18th too! The big number 21 for me!

No Father's Day presents for me though :(

For what it's worth my father got a coke and a smile!
Some sort of chocolate, nuts & coconut treats made by hand at school here, not sure if I'am game to eat something made by young primary school children but so far haven't found any boogies or anything in them :lol:
...day late and a dollar short on this thread but scored:

-pancakes (not quite in bed, but close enough)
-two six of warsteiner verum

I had a tops fathers day

Got breaky in bed
Got some plaster handprints that my twin duaghters made at day care and a jamie oliver cook book :)
Went to parents place for lunch and dad says..... come with me.

We go to the shed and he produces these :D


He just retired from a job with a megaswill mob and found them while cleaning up.

He said..... can you use them :blink:

what do you recon!

Sat and drank glasses of Schfferhofer Weizen and a nice 7 year old shiraz with lunch

ahhh being a dad aint all that bad

nothing brew related for me (unless you call not being told that I can buy a grain mill on saturday cause the missus has had enough of me using a metal baseball bat and making a hell of racket :p )

I got framed photos of my 8month old to take to work and Bunnings vouchers. Actually I guess the bunnings vouchers are sort of brew related as Im going to head down and buy some stuff to convert my esky for AG.

Lunch at my folks place with my old man, then dinner at the farther and laws. lots of booze.

A belated happy fathers day to all
3 keg system, but it's also birthday & christmas for the next three years i've been told!
I scored a breathalyser ...

... wonder what the are trying to tell me. :blink:
bit late to reply to this but my one year old bout me a coopers pale ale kit and lots of choc but i had to work. life of a chef ohh well i love my job!!