BYO and Zymurgy are mags about brewing beer.
All About Beer, Beer Advocate and Beers of the World are mags about consuming and appreciating beer.
I get them all, but then again I need to get out more
h34r: .
When Zymurgy is good, it is very good. Lately it has aped BYO content wise and lost the depth it once had. As kirem said, both these mags tend to run stories in cycles. After a couple of years subscription, there is a real sense of deja vu.
There used to be two Aussie mags in the 90s - Ausbeer and Australian Home Brewer. They were good mags, but Australia couldn't support them a decade ago. The cfraft brewing sector may have grown since, but so have alternative information sources like this one, and the net more generally. I doubt there is a big enough market to support such mags now, either. The kit and kilo brewer doesn't really need a dedicated magazine, and the all grain lunatic fringe (of which I am a card carrying member, btw) is either still not big enough, or reckon they know it all already