What Are Your Brewing Plans For 2007?

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Might as well start a new one :)


- Continue my Pilsner quest.
- Brew a range of single hopped beers like my recent Columbus APA.
- Brew a decent light beer.

Will probably think of others down the track.

To Do:

- Perfect a Kolsch
- Perfect a Boh Pils (damn close on this one)
- Do a Marzen/Oktoberfest
- Do a Hefeweizen
- Use up the 3kg of hops i have in the freezer
- Get lots of malt before the price rises and quality drops

I wish:

- Start kegging
double batches and phenolic wheats for 2007.
And some diet beer or exercise :(
Return to some of styles with which I have had success

Pale Ale (Bitter)

After a few disappointments in 2006 - I'm giving the Wheat beers aways for a while. yet to nail one

Good Luck & Good Brewing to all in 2007
I'm turning Belgian and have decided to brew only Belgian beers forever until the next thing I decide to do forever. first up a De Koninck clone then a Belgian imperial stout with wey. munich II base and coldsteeped roast barley then some sort of honey tripel then lots of saisons then who knows what.
should change the username to "brasserie viande au non" or "brouwerij neonflees"
In 07:
1 More belgians
2 Less AAA and more Belgians
3 More Trappist Styles, Saisons, Biere de Garde and Wits
4 Less hop monsters and I think a few more Belgians
5 Read "Farmhouse Ales" and " Brew Like a Monk" again
6 Buy more WLP 565,WLP 550,WLP 400, Wyeast 3787Wyeast 1338
7 Buy more Pilsner malt then last year.
8 See if I can brew a White Trappist

I'm turning Belgian and have decided to brew only Belgian beers forever until the next thing I decide to do forever. first up a De Koninck clone then a Belgian imperial stout with wey. munich II base and coldsteeped roast barley then some sort of honey tripel then lots of saisons then who knows what.
should change the username to "brasserie viande au non" or "brouwerij neonflees"

Beat me to it as I was typing. :(
But I do like yor stlye. :super:
1. Brew a good Irish Red, last 4 have been cat piss.
2. Build a brewstand.
3. Buy a march pump and fit out the RIMS.
4. Try brewing Lagers
5. Perfect Hefeweizen's
6. Have a year completely free of infections.
7. Maybe brew a Belgian
-Finishing off the building of my new room(s) so I have room to put my own fridge in.
-Buy a fridge.
-Buy another fridge.
-Set up kegs/taps in 1 fridge.
-Set up other fridge for fermentation control.
-Convince parents there is room in the backyard somewhere to store a proper brewery rig.
-Build said rig.
-Brew lots of beer.
-Stop spending money on brewing gear :S
now that i have a fermenting fridge my aim is to brew plenty of lagers...
i would like to keep trying/brewing new styles too.
Ok - in no certain order but:

1) Build a brewstand
2) Get a pump setup of some description so I can pump strike water, recirculate and cool wort.
3) Buy a chiller
4) Keg setup is a must - I need to find space for a fridge tho!!
5) Not chicken out of the next WA case - I was too worried about makin a crap beer and being harpooned for it LOL

Thats it for me methinks!


Just want to get the basics right

Ales and Larger Clones (no saflarger - who wants to have the nicest beer in the nursing home),
Learn what hops I like and how to use them,
Take notes so I remember, and
Convert a spare esky I into a mash tun for somthing to do.
- get a march pump
- have my first crack at a weizen.
- attempt a bo pils and maybe a bock.
- perfect my ordinary bitter
- brew a big dubbel
- brew a scottish ale
- win some classes when the comps come back around
1. Brew a Coopers Pale Ale clone.

2. Pack up my brewery getting ready to move house

3.Move house :unsure:

4. Do not try to substitute kit beers in 2007 to get me through just because I have no time to brew. :ph34r:

5.Unpack brewery and sundries ASAP, fit it all in a garage half the size of the one I have now, and get it all working again. :)

6. Brew beer. :D


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