The Biz Markie will be out around that time? I think it's around June. He's playing at The Espy.SWMBO bought tickets for the fam to see Yo Gabba Gabba in June.
I wonder who the special guest will be?
Ah the Biz, I had to google him.The Biz Markie will be out around that time? I think it's around June. He's playing at The Espy.
The Biz Markie will be out around that time?
I suffer majorly from early album listener syndrome. I generally need several listens before I'll even come close to grudgingly admitting that perhaps the x album from band y is as good as the z ones.Recent purchase. Ambivalent at this point but I find new albums from bands I like often need a couple of listens before I've made a decision.
Nothing bad but just seems a bit run of the mill compared to the last two. Will see how it grows on me.