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The Black Keys?

Had forgotten bout these guys till i found them in my collection the other day.
A real mix today - for my ESB

Nirvana - In Utero
St Germain - Tourist
Morcheeba - Big Calm
finish off with some Mr Bungle for the boil !!

Nirvana - smells like teen spirit
Headless Chickens - Bodyblow
Rage against the machine - battle for LA
heavier night tonight....feel a pink floyd one coming on soon...
I have been listening to a lot of the following lately;

Smashing Pumpkins
The Fratellis
Hilltop Hoods
The New Amsterdams
Littlz MC
Bad Brains - Rock for Light, and;
King Missile - Happy Hour. Great album name for a beer website-related-doohicky-thingamabob. What was I saying? Oh yeah, this is the album that contains "Detachable Penis". Many other great and artistic/thought-provoking tracks.

GG Allin is bound to get a run again soon, as the anniversary of his (untimely, IMHO) death was 28th June.

Seth :p
I'm very fortunate to like everything from almost every style of music with the ONLY exception being thrash metal... (Sorry to all the hardcore bangers out there) :(

I currently have a collection that would take around 4 months to listen to everything once. (24/7 - 365)

What's my favourite song? Depends on my mood. Ditto for groups and even genres. I'm no 'expert' or connisuer (sp?) I just know if it sounds good - I like it and will buy it. :D
Just got Velvet Revolver's first cd happening at the moment. :super:
Wouldn't say its my favourite, but it's great loud rock. Slash is still in fine form.
A couple new albums of the top of my head I'd recomend is the new Iron Maiden album A Matter of Life and Death and the new Megadeth album United Abominations.

Been playing the Megadeth CD for the past couple of days, some pretty cool tunes, 'Washington Is Next!' goes well :super:

I also bought Rob Zombie's 'Educated Horses'. Boy I need to give myself an uppercut. I had some of his earlier CD's like 'Hellbilly Deluxe', but this one is pretty lame. John-5 has some pretty slack riffs. Ended up returning to one of my favourites, The Rollins Band CD 'Get Some Go Again'. Henry is outstanding :super:

Anyone else get the bonus DVD in the July 2007 Guitar World with the Slash instructional? If you haven't seen it (Slash was a little dull) Andy Aledort instructing step by step of Hendrix's 'Spanish Castle Magic' was un-freakin-believe-able :beerbang: :beerbang:
Ah Megadeth and Rollins Band!!
Two of my favourites 10 years ago, still love Coundown to Extinction and The end of Silence.

Was listening to a bit of Filter the other day, haven't heard them for yonks either.
Listening to "Hellyeah" self titled.

Has Vinnie Paul (Pantera) on drums, Chad and Greg (Mudvayne) on vocals and guitar respectively, and two other blokes from some other band I can't remember.
Hell yeah were just over in oz on tour Sam, I still haven't heard the whole album only heard the stuff thats been on rage.

Thought you might like the latest Megadeth Duff, I think its awesome and way better then their last couple albums.

For me today its time to get my skull completely crushed in with Unearth in town playing some brutal music tonite, just warming up now. :chug: :chug: :chug:

Boozed, broozed & broken boned.

Hi Jayse,

That's how I found out about them, I saw the Sydney gig ad in the paper! I had a couple of mates that went along but I wasn't able to make it, so bought the cd instead.

Sounded like it was a good show though
While you guys are on the net and are thinking of trying out some new music, check out www.last.fm - Every band I love is on there and it has this neat feature of guessing what else you might like. So far it's been fairly accurate for me. Chews up your download quota though!
enjoying most of the tracks on Velvet Revolver's Libertad album.
How much does the start of She Builds Quick Machines sound like Grinspoon!?
enjoying most of the tracks on Velvet Revolver's Libertad album.
How much does the start of She Builds Quick Machines sound like Grinspoon!?

I was looking forward to hearing the album but after the grinspoon thing there not so much <_<

Black Sabbath albums heaven hell, mob rules and dehumanizer here for the next few days :super: only too sleeps to go till horns in the air.
Sabbath little tid bit of a review for any brewers interested.

Possibly the best show ever that I have seen. I was kinda wondering if there would be a crowd of old school sab fans expecting them to play the ozzy era songs but that was put to rest by the crowd in unison chanting for DIO as the lights faded and they prepared to take the stage.
E5150 set the scene and the feeling was surreal waiting for the true gods of metal about to be in our presence.
Then straight into Mob rules and it was clear from the get go that even though 64 odd years of age DIO could sing as good if not better than ever and was truelly awesome with a stage presence that was almost magical as was Iommi's standing with his SG in front of a awesome set with his laneys lined up behind a cool fence.
Geezer butler was a rock and vinny appice gave a drum solo mid show which was actually worth listening to, I kinda don't like drum solos as man you could have fit in another song instead, that and even some drummers find solos boring but not this solo, quite a kit too with some cross shaped cymbals, rack tom towers a kick mounted high behind him.

Set list included amoungst others TV crimes, computer god,voodoo, children of the sea, falling of the edge of the world, I, sign of the southern cross, a extended heaven and hell prepared to end the show before coming back on for neon nights for encore.
A massive awesome night and rock history I'll never forget despite being tanked to the eye balls I think the adrelin and excitement sobered me up just in the build up to them about to take the stage.

truelly the greatest gig ever :super:

Tickets in hand for more shows coming up this year, machine head, arch enemy and trivium in the black crusade tour and also megadeth coming with the gigantour. Motorhead coming up to but I don't think i'll hit that one.
Yep Sabbath were awesome Jayse.
We managed to barge our way from the back of the crowd to the front before the first song ended.
Tony was right in front of us. I ended up scoring an Iommi pick and a Geezer pick.
Wicked, I would have been only a few metres from you in the middle just off the base of the punter barrier.
Snuck up there during down just after we left the bar.
Might see you at Megadeth Jayse, heard that Static X are supporting them. I saw Static X when they toured with Fear Factory. Was at an all ages Korn gig, full of kids, FF scared them shitless and Burton gave them **** the whole time! The youth of today hey? Can mosh to Korn but havent got a clue what to do when the double kick got too fast for them during FFs set.... hilarious!

Might have to get a few of Megadeths latest albums and finally take RIP put of the cars CD player....... air guitar and driving can be a bad combo....