Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
If public holiday per god is the go then the hindus are streets ahead. 330 million or so as far as I understand.
HA. I had to check out what clown panda (nice) w/sword's deal was, you know anyone who's willing to get that outfit on is going to spout some outlandish ****. And he didn't dissapoint. I was thrilled to see he had a facebook page, I was expecting a heap of "Scored a bitchin' new broadsword today, can't wait to get some photos taken in the enchanted gnome forest at the end of my street tonight. Love my life." type posts but it was unused sadly. I think I will adopted the title "Lord Wind" next time I OD on smallgoods and saurkraut at the german club though....What about Gaahl, the murdering homesexual? (well almost - assault and battery from memory)
Not sure what to drink to national socialist loving clown-pandas like this one:
Possibly poison if I ever have to listen to his ghastly drivel again.
Listen to Portal
does screaming kids count?
btw, thanks Manticle for Herz Jhning - Opisthotonus, those frequencies hurt me in a good way
I have the early stuff.
Teething 11 month old.
Could have done without successive encore's spanning from 12 to 4 am this morning.