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Enter it in one of the NSW case swaps :p

Rockin Coach Blattodea Ale it is then. :D

Brewed my first all grain batch today. Had brewed 5 extract and 2 partial mash before. Went with a forgiving American pale ale.

Congrats dude! This is great news. Was this on Christmas, or Christmas eve?
Got the timer on and getting up early to do a Wolf Creek IPA, this beer was pretty well received in the QLD case swap, so I thought I better make a keg for myself.

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Wolf Creek IPA
Brewer: Tony Brown
Asst Brewer: Jess
Style: American IPA
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (42.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.00 L
Boil Size: 32.79 L
Estimated OG: 1.065 SG
Estimated Color: 19.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 64.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Boil Time: 75 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.50 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (5.9 EBC) Grain 69.23 %
1.50 kg AA Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 23.08 %
0.50 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (78.8 EBC) Grain 7.69 %
35.00 gm Centennial [9.90 %] (60 min) Hops 33.8 IBU
30.00 gm Simcoe [11.90 %] (20 min) Hops 21.1 IBU
30.00 gm Amarillo [8.90 %] (10 min) Hops 9.4 IBU
15.00 gm Simcoe [11.90 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-SteepHops -
15.00 gm Amarillo [8.90 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-SteeHops -
15.00 gm Centennial [9.90 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-StHops -
15.00 gm Cascade [6.00 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-SteepHops -
0.50 tsp Koppafloc (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1.00 tsp Sodium Chloride (Boil 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs US-56 (Safale) [Starter 200 ml] Yeast-Ale

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 6.50 kg
Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
90 min Mash In Add 16.96 L of water at 78.5 C 67.0 C


American Red for me last night. First brew for 2008. Wooohooo.

2nd brew for 2008, this will be 100 liters already :)

I love holidays :)

Pale ale concoction today with B-SAAZ and POR flowers.

Pale Ale

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 54.00 Wort Size (L): 54.00
Total Grain (kg): 10.15
Anticipated OG: 1.047 Plato: 11.76
Anticipated EBC: 16.2
Anticipated IBU: 28.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80 %
Wort Boil Time: 75 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
88.7 9.00 kg. IMC Ale Malt Australia 1.038 4
5.9 0.60 kg. TF Pale Crystal UK 1.034 100
4.9 0.50 kg. Weyermann Munich II Germany 1.038 24
0.5 0.05 kg. TF Chocolate Malt UK 1.033 900

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
20.00 g. B-Saaz Whole 6.80 7.2 First WH
40.00 g. Pride of Ringwood Whole 9.60 18.5 60 min.
40.00 g. B-Saaz Whole 6.80 2.6 5 min.


US-05 at 18 to 19 deg.

Mashed at 52 for 20 min then infusion up to 64 for an hour. Mash out at mash temp and batch sparge at 72 deg.
Will be nice and easy drinking for the summer heat.
I need something to mature quick because by the way the koelsch in the fridge goes down it wont be there long. I give that 50 liter keg 3 weeks in this heat and the way family and friends dont mind getting into it as well :) must be good!

Threw together the following 'Aussie Ale' yesterday ...

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.00 L
Boil Size: 27.40 L
Estimated OG: 1.046 SG
Estimated Color: 9.5 SRM
Estimated IBU: 23.5 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 70 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.95 kg Pale Malt, Galaxy (Barrett Burston) (1.5 SGrain 99.00 %
0.05 kg Roasted Barley (Joe White) (710.0 SRM) Grain 1.00 %
28.00 gm Cluster [6.60 %] (60 min) Hops 23.0 IBU
10.00 gm Saaz [2.50 %] (5 min) Hops 0.5 IBU
0.25 tsp Sodium Met (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
2.00 gm Koppafloc (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
5.00 ml Phosphoric Acid (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
5.00 gm Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs SafAle American Ale (DCL Yeast #US-56 aka Yeast-Ale

My Mash
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Sacchrification Add 13.50 L of water at 71.7 C 65.0 C
First beers for 2008. Have to replenish the kegs :)

NZ pale ale with NS and hallertau aroma
BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: NZPA
Brewer: Mooshells
Asst Brewer:
Style: American Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (0.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 21.00 L
Boil Size: 32.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.048 SG
Estimated Color: 15.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 31.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3700.00 gm Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.9 EBC) Grain 80.87 %
500.00 gm Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 10.93 %
200.00 gm Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC) Grain 4.37 %
100.00 gm Crystal, Dark (Bairds) (216.7 EBC) Grain 2.19 %
75.00 gm Carared (Weyermann) (47.3 EBC) Grain 1.64 %
20.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
20.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma, New Zealand [8.50 %] (Hops -
15.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma, New Zealand [8.50 %] (Hops 8.2 IBU
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (15 min) Hops 12.1 IBU
20.00 gm Hallertauer Aroma, New Zealand [8.50 %] (Hops 4.4 IBU
20.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (5 min) Hops 6.5 IBU
0.25 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs SafAle American Ale (US56) (DCL Yeast #S-0Yeast-Ale

Follow up lager, the last one was all gone within 6 weeks of brewing it...
Ran out of pilsner malt so this one will be a bit more malty. Upped the bitterness a bit to go with it...

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: larger
Brewer: Mooshells
Asst Brewer:
Style: Munich Helles
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (0.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 21.00 L
Boil Size: 32.00 L
Estimated OG: 1.047 SG
Estimated Color: 11.8 EBC
Estimated IBU: 34.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
1800.00 gm Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 40.00 %
1800.00 gm Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.9 EBC) Grain 40.00 %
900.00 gm Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 20.00 %
25.00 gm Smaragd [8.00 %] (40 min) Hops 22.8 IBU
30.00 gm Smaragd [8.00 %] (10 min) Hops 11.3 IBU
0.30 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs SafLager West European Lager (DCL Yeast #SYeast-Lager

Mash Schedule: Double Infusion, Light Body
Total Grain Weight: 4500.00 gm
Double Infusion, Light Body
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
30 min Protein Rest Add 8.45 L of water at 55.6 C 50.0 C
30 min Saccrification Add 7.51 L of water at 86.6 C 65.6 C
10 min Mash Out Add 7.51 L of water at 99.1 C 75.6 C
Just pitch some yeast into an AAA [style] a bit big at 1.070 and IBUs at 47 for an amber. :unsure: But who cares? Not me.
Finally got some brews down...

A big arse 100 IBU+ APA with Simcoe, Centeenial & D Saaz.
A CAP with 30% maize, single hopped with Nelson Sauvin.
My 1st attempt at Pilsner Urquell
& finally my Carbrook Alt.

Roggenbier with 50%+ Rye & Double Choc porter MkII next off the ranks.

Happy days...... Ross
Might get a quick summer ale in when I get home this arvo.

50% Galaxy
45% Ale
2% Med Crystal
2% Melanoidin
1% CaraPils

Southern Cross at 60 & 20
Little bit of Amarillo at 5

Will be aiming for a nice session beer, around 3.5% ABV.


Just doing an Aussie pale with 50/50 Ale and Pils malt and about 38 IBU's of POR pellets. This is my second Aussie pale ale for the year hopefully by Christmas I will have my ultimate house ale.
Kegged an Imperial PA & a CAP (100% Nelson Sauvin) last night & filled the empty 2 fermenters today with
a Roggenbier (50%+ Rye) & a double Chocolate Porter. I've used Cocoa instead of choc bars this time & first impressions aren't as good,
but guess it's a bit early to be sure.

Cheers Ross
I've got an Amber coming out of secondary and going into the keg at the end of the week (Thanks Ross!)

I'm doing 2 Pale Ales this week for a friends B-Day party, and am going to create a clone for Rogue's Imperial Stout, to be done as soon as the Pale Ales are out primary.
happily burping away is the all D Saaz Summer Ale, 4500 MO, 500 Car Wheat, 500 Wheat US-05 @ 18*C.

filled the empty 2 fermenters today with a Roggenbier (50%+ Rye) & a double Chocolate Porter.

Cheers Ross

how did the sparge go with this one Rossco ?

how did the sparge go with this one Rossco ?


Hi Yard,

I needed an extra 7L of sparge water. That Rye sure soaks up the liqour B)

cheers Ross
two of my favourite brews to kick of 2008

Waggin' Tail Pale (APA) followed by Nine Lives Ale (IPA)



A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.05
Anticipated OG: 1.049 Plato: 12.18
Anticipated EBC: 11.6
Anticipated IBU: 34.8
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 75 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
86.2 7.80 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 3
5.5 0.50 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4
5.5 0.50 kg. Weyermann Munich I Germany 1.038 15
2.8 0.25 kg. JWM Crystal 140 Australia 1.035 145

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
20.00 g. Magnum Pellet 13.10 21.5 60 min.
17.00 g. Amarillo Pellet 8.90 3.3 15 min.
33.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 4.8 15 min.
17.00 g. Amarillo Pellet 8.90 2.1 5 min.
33.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 3.0 5 min.
17.00 g. Amarillo Pellet 8.90 0.0 0 min.
33.00 g. Cascade Pellet 6.70 0.0 0 min.


White Labs WLP001 California Ale



A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 7.81
Anticipated OG: 1.069 Plato: 16.88
Anticipated EBC: 18.2
Anticipated IBU: 70.5
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 70 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
93.6 7.31 kg. JWM Traditional Ale Malt Australia 1.038 7
6.4 0.50 kg. Weyermann Melanoidin Germany 1.037 70

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
60.00 g. Nugget Pellet 9.80 70.5 60 min.
200.00 g. Cascade Whole 6.70 0.0 0 min.


White Labs WLP001 California Ale
I just bottled a Blackrock Cider made with mainly dextrose with a bit of malt and apple Schnapps, and i just started drinking marvilous pale ale which i made up out a Coopers Australian Pale Ale Kit and Coopers Brew Enhancer 2 with about ten grams of Cascade finishing hops
A brew work from home day today.
Two cubes of Bavarian Dunkelweizen, and kegged the lasted RyeIPA which came in great at 7.5% and is tasting mighty fine. :beerbang:
American Red going into the fermenter tonight. Got a lot of real work done too. A very productive day.

Picked up 5 sacks of grain Saturday and fired up the mash tun yesterday :beerbang:

Brewed a Blonde style, 60 Pilsner, 40 Wheat. NB to bitter and Saaz plugs to flavour, fermenting now with US-05.

Hope to brew this long weekend with all the family here (again). Plan to do a CAP. Still to buy a chest freezer to ferment in. Need it up here, today was 35C in the house.



08-03 CAP

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.00
Anticipated OG: 1.054 Plato: 13.36
Anticipated SRM: 3.0
Anticipated IBU: 31.2
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
77.8 7.00 kg. Weyermann Pilsner Germany 1.038 2
22.2 2.00 kg. Flaked Corn (Maize) America 1.040 1

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
35.00 g. Super Alpha Pellet 11.00 23.9 60 min.
50.00 g. Czech Saaz Plug 2.20 4.1 20 min.
50.00 g. Czech Saaz Plug 2.20 2.5 10 min.
25.00 g. Czech Saaz Plug 2.20 0.7 5 min.


DCL Yeast S-189 SafLager German Lager
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