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Ohhh... I can write anything I like here
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This has absolutely nothing to do with beer (unless you want somewhere to host a brewing blog) so its here in off topic.

Now that the kids are both at school, and the missus has some time on her hands, we have just set up a little web hosting business to give her a chance to use that IT degree she has. We offer web hosting, domain registration and site design.

Plans from as low as $5/month.

We have a large range of ready to go software available that will let you set up a site and add content without knowing HTTP, FTP or anything else ending in TP. just type stuff into a nice little edit window (much like the one I am using now to enter this message). We have photo galleries, blogging software, forums and just about anything else you could want. You can install them yourself if you are sufficiently geeky or we can install them for you. We can also help out with site design.

So, if you need some cheap web space to host a brew blog, a picture of your brewery/kegging setup/cat or even a full on corporate site with shopping cart and secure checkout, send me a PM or check us out at www.airgeadstudio.net.

Tell you what, enter AHB as a promo code and I'll even give you 10% off your first bill.


P.S... Since this is so completely non beer related I ran this past the admins first (Thanks Doc) and they were cool with it.