Well It's Xmas Eve, What Are You Drinkin?

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Hello brewers.
Just having a couple of quiet k&K lagers and an AG belgian wheat.

1.Brewcraft Munich lager, cold fermented with some saaz finishing hops (Not bad, not that good either)
2. Morgans chairmans selection cerveza, cold fermented with a touch of halletau finishing hops. (mediocre)
3. My AG Belgian style wheat, made with Weyermann pils and JWM wheat and a tad of melanoidn. White Labs Bavarian Weizen liquid yeast. (10/10 bloody beautiful! got one out for santa)

Don't know why I keep brewing kits, They just don't cut it. Curiosity I guess. Never tried the above kits before.

Anyways, what are you drinkin?
Just finished a couple of Kolsch's I have had cold conditioning for six weeks.Christmas day beer,but had to quality control test ;)

Now enjoying a nice Heffeweizen brewed with 3068,with a great balance of clove/banana.

Tomorrow,will alternate between the Kolsch and a wit,shame it wont be hotter(Melbourne),especially for the wit :beer:
Kolsch....mmm...... There's a style I haven't tried to brew.
Have to look into a couple of recipes in the new year I think. Thanks milpod
Nectar of the Dogs!

It's my second day with kegs and after a beautiful glacier hopped lager, I'm now on a 50gm hallertau Ale. It's sweet like ice cream on the nose, smooth as silk.


And I just had to dress up as Santa. The kids fell for it again! WooHoo! :D

...And my sister just got in from Sydney and gave me a bottle of Absinthe (Mata Hari brand) she got in Europe in October. Green Fairies tomorrow. :eek:
Great stuff wally. Got to love those Belgians
Oh Wally, you can't say that ,without naming what you had,and your favourites B)
I just force carbed my first ever all grain beer. It is a really hoppy English IPA and I am as proud as punch. The photo does not do it justice, it is so clear. By the way it was done BIAB.

I just force carbed my first ever all grain beer. It is a really hoppy English IPA and I am as proud as punch. The photo does not do it justice, it is so clear. By the way it was done BIAB.

Looks good from here.Very nice. Congrats on your first AG
Rusty Hammers - A full glass of rough crushed ice, fill with 50/50 Woodford reserve bourbon & drambuie.........sit & sip until the night goes bye byes :D
Dom, I'm devastated,the main bling maker drinking, well ................................other stuff.

It's, like not believing in santa anymore ;)
Santa likes to run the sleigh on high ethanol fuel every now and again ... ;) but only twice a year........It will be a beer christmas day - Most of a swap case to drink :D
Beer whilst the sun is shining - then I have to switch to vice # 2

Started with a '07 Dog Point Sauv Blac
Will soon be opening a '01 Felton Rd Pinot Noir Block 3

Sorry but there is nothing that washes a steak down better than a glass of wine

...And my sister just got in from Sydney and gave me a bottle of Absinthe (Mata Hari brand) she got in Europe in October. Green Fairies tomorrow. :eek:

Ooh write a review :D

Me and a couple of mates polished off one called Doubes last weekend, went down well but couldn't single it out amongst the 14 longnecks of HB, half a case of peroni and half a bottle of Chivas ;D

Unfortunately we drained my reserves so I toddled off to the bottlo for a bottle of smirnoff, now I'm drinking Bloody Marys!


[edited for typos]
Well I suppose that's ok then,as long it's only fuel :unsure:
Congrats 65Bellet, it sure looks good to me.

I've got a mixed bag on at the moment. The best is a summer (blonde) ale, all pils and all challenger hops. Very good.

Also got a coopers pale clone and an IPA. Both have suffered from my fermentation fridge clapping out. They were both in it at the same time. The fridge was pretending to work but not really. Sly thing.

Also a third of a keg of belgian strong ale.

But its the challenger hopped / JW pilsener / US05 that wins hands down.

Happy christmas,

That hurts my liver just reading that!

I (unlike you other blasphemous "brewers") am drinking beer, doppelbock to be exact! 'tis a good day to be alive!
Just like Adam I am having some beer- a spice beer, which came out with some weird, yet nice flavours. I'll be following that up with a christmas case beer, probably my wheat beer, then a brown ale or another christmas case beer- perhaps both if I'm up to it :)

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