Weizen Advice

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Hey guys and gals. I'm doing my 1st Weizen. And i have a few questions.

Do i need to do a step mash? If yes what temps and for how long?

And should i crash chill it before bottling?

I have a lot of Wheat malt, could i up the Wheat to 60%?

Heres the recipe.....

4.00 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (1.8 SRM) Grain 54.79 %
3.30 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.6 SRM) Grain 45.21 %

45.00 gm Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [4.60 %] (60 min) Hops 11.6 IBU

1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) [Starter 2800 ml] Yeast-Wheat

I genrally do a 42 degree rest then 65 degrees. 60% wheat will be fine, just be careful lautering as ther wont be many husks in the mash.
Also pitch at 12 degrees and ferment at 18 for a good clove banana balance
Recipe looks good. If you're after the banana ester balanced with clove from 3068, don't oxygenate your wort. If you want clove more so than banana, oxygenate.

I've used up to 67% wheat malt with no issues, but my mash tun geometry and false bottom have a lot to do with not having a stuck runoff. You may want to use some rice hulls to ensure your runoff doesn't get stuck.

With that much wheat, a protein rest is useful. Try douging in at about 49C for 10-20 minutes, then add boiling water to bring the mash up to 65ishC (depending what your preference is). Rest at sacch temps for 60 min, then add more boiling water to bring the works up to mashout (75C). Dough in with not much water so that your mash tun isn't overflowing at the end. I'd go with about 1.5l/kg for the initial infusion, which should leave lots of room for the boiling water infusions later on. If you can direct heat your mash tun, dough in with whatever your normal water ratio is.
I genrally do a 42 degree rest then 65 degrees. 60% wheat will be fine, just be careful lautering as ther wont be many husks in the mash.
Also pitch at 12 degrees and ferment at 18 for a good clove banana balance

+1. Planning on doing a similar beer soon.

Weizen Recipe Thread

Yet to firm up my recipe though.
Thanks guys. I'm a Biaber, so i don't have to worry about a stuck sparge. What other complications that bring I'm not sure. I'm planning to add bag and grains at 50C for 15 min, (raise bag off bottom of pot) Heat water to 66C and keep it there for 75 min.
I defiantly want banana flavours, so no oxygenating. Ill get a kick arse starter going.

Will crash chilling the wort before bottling get rid of the banana flavours that i want?

Im also worried about the low SG(1.038). Will that be OK in a Wheat beer?

You dont need a massive starter for a 1038 weizen. The clove and banana flovours will be increased with underpitching i believe.
Crash chilling won't affect the banana. 1.038 is a bit on the low side. Any chance you can increase the OG with some DME?
1038 is too low for that grain bill. You will need to boost with something to make it have flavour other than yeast.
Don't expect massive banana character from the JW wheat either...
Hey guys and gals. I'm doing my 1st Weizen. And i have a few questions.


And should i crash chill it before bottling?


1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) [Starter 2800 ml] Yeast-Wheat


Chose a Hefeweizen (from Brewing Classic Styles) as my first batch ever recently (just finished drinking it all). Brewed from extract, so I can't comment on your mashing schedule (OG was 1.050, with a pre-boil gravity of 1.042). However, I used the 3068 with a 2l starter (which I allowed to settle and decanted off spent wort before pitching) and fermented at 17C (apparently this keeps the esters and phenols in check). I also oxygenated with air on and off for about 8 hours.

Aside from a vigorous ferment blowing the top off the fermenter (should have used a blow off hose), the result was banana esters dominant in the aroma and flavour (but not unpleasantly) with not much clove at all. I would have preferred a better balance between the esters and phenols.

As I was travelling, I left the beer in the fermenter for 2 weeks, and I also crashed the temperature about 36 hours before transferring to the keg. Result was a crystal clear beer, which wasn't what I was after (I love yeasty weizens) and probably contributed to the lack of phenols in the flavour.

When I try this again I will be:

1. using a blow off hose
2. oxygenating less after pitching
3. transferring as soon as terminal gravity is reached
4. crashing after transfer rather than before.

The other possible cause of clear beer could have been decanting the starter, however it is more likely to be the time I allowed the beer to settle. I figure I possibly have another 2 batches to go before I get this right ;-).

Good luck with your hefe...be interested to hear how it turns out.
Thanks guys. Ill up the OG to 1.044. I have a 60L fermenter so i wont need a blow off tube.

My brother likes wheat beers, but he drinks low strength beer. How can i combine both?

TYVM :icon_cheers:
Thanks guys. Ill up the OG to 1.044. I have a 60L fermenter so i wont need a blow off tube.

My brother likes wheat beers, but he drinks low strength beer. How can i combine both?

TYVM :icon_cheers:

Easy. Make your beer normal strength. Then let him dilute each glass with 1/4 water.
My hefeeizen is still fermenting after four weeks.I originaly racked after three days and has been going since,I didn't use a starter I just tipped the yeast(3068) into the fermenter.Next time I'll use a starter.My OG was 1050.

My hefeeizen is still fermenting after four weeks.I originaly racked after three days and has been going since,I didn't use a starter I just tipped the yeast(3068) into the fermenter.Next time I'll use a starter.My OG was 1050.


That's unusual. I'd be worried about infection. What's the current sg and what does it taste like?
My f*cked illegetimate love child of a wheat beer just finished fermenting. Came in at 49% eff and 1.030. Good time for the weather to heat up and my ferm frige to die as well, so its been sitting at 24C for a week. Should be....hopefully at least a little bit drinkable.

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