Weinstephan Hefeweisen Yeasties

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Thought I'd save myself a couple of $$ on a wyeast pack and culture up some yeast from a Weinstephan Dunkel Hefeweisen. (plus I wanted to drink some :p )

Doed anyone know if they pasturise this stuff in the bottle?

the yeast I have collected and tried to culture so far does not look at all healthy. :(

I could be wrong but I think they filter and re-seed with a better settling lager yeast.

So you may yet be investing in that Wyeast pack. :)

Warren -
warrenlw63 said:

I could be wrong but I think they filter and re-seed with a better settling lager yeast.

So you may yet be investing in that Wyeast pack. :)

Warren -

Wise words(and correct).
Schnieder wheats are the only ones with the original primary strain.
Wise words(and correct).
Schnieder wheats are the only ones with the original primary strain.

Well. guess what I'll be drinking this weekend. :chug: :lol:

May I assume that ur not in Sydney, as Wyeast is not so common there?

If U let us know where you reside, there may just be a kind soul who is local to you, and willing to share a Weizen yeast.

If ur in Newcastle, I may be that man. I could even supply a bottle of my beer for U to practice your yeast culturing upon.
U know what they say: "Give a brewer a yeast and he'll make a batch of beer, but teach that brewer to culture yeast and he'll brew evermore". Apologies for the gender-specificity, but U know what I mean.

Either way, don't let me talk U out of drinking some Weizen this weekend! :beer:
I will be! :beerbang:

Seth out :p
Weizguy said:

May I assume that ur not in Sydney, as Wyeast is not so common there?

If U let us know where you reside, there may just be a kind soul who is local to you, and willing to share a Weizen yeast.

If ur in Newcastle, I may be that man. I could even supply a bottle of my beer for U to practice your yeast culturing upon.
U know what they say: "Give a brewer a yeast and he'll make a batch of beer, but teach that brewer to culture yeast and he'll brew evermore". Apologies for the gender-specificity, but U know what I mean.

Either way, don't let me talk U out of drinking some Weizen this weekend! :beer:
I will be!

Seth out

Am in Melbourne. It's not that I _can't_ get liquid yeast, more that I'm too lazy to drive the hour across town to get to G&G. :p

Well, that and I think it's a little bit more rewarding to build up a culture from a sample. I have done so with coopers yeast before, but I want something a little more exotic (and appropriate) for my Dunkel Hefewiesen that I plan on making...

Mmmmm.... hefewiesen..... :D

Anyone know how I can write off another trip to Munich against tax?
Surely there has to be some sort of trade show I need to visit.... ;)

(Incidently, Drinktek was awsome - Lots of freebies, and lots of beer bling. Go if you ever get the chance)
danbeer said:
Well. guess what I'll be drinking this weekend. :chug: :lol:

Recultured yeast from Schneider weisse makes a very good beer in my experience. Just be patient and give it time and care.
I agree with Warren. I recently read in a book on beers of the world that Weinstephan filters out the original yeast from their Hefeweisen and replaces it with lager yeast.
Just remembered I had found the following link that you may find useful.


In regards to Hefeweizen yeast it states

"Bavarian Hefe-Weizens normally don't have the primary strain, and may well be pasteurized. Schneider Weisse seems to be an exception. Perhaps Schfferhofer as well. Others? "

The site has information on a number of Hefewezens


{1} Live yeast. {1} Probably bottling strain.

{1} Live yeast, strain? {1} Good banana like fruiteness in the starter.

Said to be the primary strain. Possible but tricky to get going?

Hefe Weizen
{1} Live yeast. Estery and phenolic, primary strain? {1} Powerfull estery yeast (phenolic and diacetyl), good and floculent fermenter.

{1} Probably bottling strain, if at all alive. "

The {1} refers to a single report

Hope this is helpful
maisels also works. but i havent seen that around for a while. JS colonial wheat was a good source of WLP300 while it was around.

schfferhofer i have tried culturing but it came out very strange tasting.
but then i don't like schfferhofer anyway.

ive made a number of hefes with cultured yeast over the years and none of them were nearly as good as the whitelabs or wyeast for whatever reason.
neonmeate said:
ive made a number of hefes with cultured yeast over the years and none of them were nearly as good as the whitelabs or wyeast for whatever reason.

Couldn't agree more.
The wyeast 3333 that i use now is by far and away the best thing to come in to my wheaty realm. :chug:
Where in Melbourne are you? Johnno was nice enough to give me a little 3333 last weekend.
NRB said:
Where in Melbourne are you? Johnno was nice enough to give me a little 3333 last weekend.

Burwood mostly...
I could give you some 3333 if you're interested, otherwise, step up a Schneiderweisse.
Take the 3333,you won't regret it.
Aside from the authenticity factor its a much nicer wheat strain any ways...(personal bias).and its free from a fellow brewer who is sharing a freeby :excl: :party:

long live AHB :chug:

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