We drank these beers -

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Move Along - Nuthin To See Here
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When we were in the UK and Paris. We stopped writing them down after 11 days as the list was getting a little long

1. Fullers London Pride - we drank a lot of this as it was everywhere and a pretty good easy drinking real ale
2. Meantime Pale Ale - The dearest beer we had in the UK 5.50 gbp/pint - guzzled at the Globe Swan Tavern
3. Landlord - Drank it at a little pub called the "Cockpit" Now I know what all the fuss is about. The best beer we tried in the UK.
4. Sam Smiths ESB - We drank this at "Ye Olde Chesire Cheese" which is a very old pub in London
5. Tribute Scottish Ale - An ok real ale
6. London Pale Ale - Another Meantime brew - Not that special really
7. Adnams Ghost Ship Pale Ale
8. Adnams Explorer Blonde
9. Adnams Southwark Bitter
10. Adnams Broadside Pale Ale (Goldings Hops)
11. Adnams Fat Sprat Amber Ale
12. Adnams Topaz Pale Ale - In order of preference 11,12,10,8,7,9
13. Nicholsons ESB
14. ? Scottish Stout - Cant remember who brewed it, but it was a very good beer. It may have been Bellhaven
15. Kronenberg 1664 - In France - Beer was expensive in the bars, and bvery ordinary
16. ReAle APA - Italian beer in France, surprisingly very good
17. Leffe Blonde - 2 Euros from the monprix - how good is that
18. 3 Monts - As above, only better
19. 1664 Blonde - Ordinary
20. Heineken - Ordinary
21. Tom Tipple - Red Shoot Brewery
22. Swordfish ESB - Wadworth Brewing
23. Henrys IPA - Wadworth Brewing
24. Brains Smooth - Pretty easy drinker
25. Brains SA - Eat your heart out Bribie
26. Trident Strong Ale
27. Stella Black - Very ordinary beer
28. Carling - Yuck - drank a can of this crap on the train, worse than VB
29. Guzzler - York Brewery
30. Ghost Ale - York Brewery, a Ruby style beer, pretty tasty
31. Nelson Sauvin Pale Ale - York Brewery, Very good, drank quite a few of these
32. Terrier ESB - York Brewery, Mrs LB drank a lot of this one
33. ? Mild - Didnt get the name of this one,
34. ? Mild - As above, but both were drunk at "The Habit" i York. If you ever get there, its a great pub, Tell Simon I sent you.
35. Le Trappe Dubbel - At "The Habit" Also ahd Leffe Blonde on tap, but I couldnt fit anymore in
36. Thwaites Bitter - After London Pride, this is the beer we also drank a lot of
37. Holts Mild - Average
38. Holts IPA - as above
39. Holts ESB - Ditto
40. Holts Smooth - I dont know why I bothered
41. Robinsons Dizzy Blonde - Pretty good, but it may have been the pub atmosphere as well
42. El Torado Pale Ale - OK
43. Tetley Bitter - Prefer the Tea to the beer
44. Hobgoblin - Fabtastic of the hand pump
45. Stella - Ordinary
46. Fosters Lager - I actually enjoyed this beer, it reminded me of home a little.
47. Amstel Lager - Terrible beer

As you can see we sampled quite a few beers in a short period of time. Most of them were pints, although some were just tastes of each others beers. Generally speaking, we werent impressed with any of the continental lagers, in fact they all tasted very similar.
We both really enjoyed the Real Ales, so much so that I now have a beer engine, and am currently sipping my way through a pint of ESB as I type.

That is a fair effort LB. How is the liver feeling?

Liver is good. We walked a up to 10k each day so all up, beer to weight ratio was maintained in equalibrium as well. It was surprisingly easy to drink this many beers over the days, as we drank often but not in large quantities.

barls said:
Hey, I wanted my own thread. Theres always a smart arse somewhere, Jeez, and my fermenters not bubbling, I dont know how to search etc. You dont like, dont read it buddy. I'm not a noobie, your not the boss. Pi$$ off if you dont like.
If I was posting for one beer, then sure that thread is appropriate, but I'm not asking others to post their beers here.
Its a bit of a brag post, a bit of an info post, theres a few people on here who were interested in the beers.
It replies like this that **** me here, people who think they know everything and whats right and whats wrong. Get a life and let others enjoy theirs.
Impressive list of beers there LB surprised you could remember the good from the also rans. I expect York to be the best as all the best originates in Yorkshire.
Surprisingly, I can remember my impressions of most of the beers. We had a note pad that we jotted the names down in, but we didnt make any notes a such. The bad ones stick in your mind as easily as the good ones. We rated the York Brewery beers highly, in fact Mrs LB only drank the Terrier after day 1 in York. (Mrs LB loves a good beer as much as me, although our tastes differ a little. She prefers an ESB, but isnt keen on stouts, but will drink a Ported or Dark Mild) York was the highlight of the trip for me. Could have stayed there a lot longer. Wonderful place. Although, drinking in Canton just out of Cardiff rated for us as well, pints were only 2.20 gbp of anything on the hand pump.
Would love to try Hobgoblin fresh off the pump...thats some good squishee

Never wanted to go to England till I discovered pommy beer.
Good to hear the York Brewery is good. We are staying in York over Easter next year so will have to visit once,twice maybe at least once a day :p
keifer33 said:
Good to hear the York Brewery is good. We are staying in York over Easter next year so will have to visit once,twice maybe at least once a day :p
There are a few pubs around York that have their ales on tap. The brewery also has a bar in it, but it is a little out of the main (drinking) area. We drank at the "Three Legged Mare" which was a friendly and cosy pub, with a beer garden/smoking area out the back, It's not real big and can can pretty busy at night.
If you can find it, The Habit in Goodramgate was also a pretty good pub, but mainly because it was quirky in a few ways. Mrs LB lovedthe open area on the roof, and kept getting me up there to look different aspects of bar she liked. During the day they sell just as much coffee as beer. They have different musical events during the week, while we there they had a Ukelele night and an open mike night, although we didnt get to any of them. Simon the owner is a top bloke, and loves a chat, as all good barmen should. He was very interested in brewing, and gave me a rather large Pilsner Urquell brass font to bring home.
If you are looking for a beer engine while you are there, we asked in a lot of pubs, but couldnt score one that way. I reckon if you try asking in the smaller pubs not aligned to a brewery you might have more luck, other than that you may get oneof gumtree or ebay. I managed to get a beer engine for 10 quid from a bloke in York.
Surprisingly, I can remember my impressions of most of the beers. We had a note pad that we jotted the names down in, but we didnt make any notes a such. The bad ones stick in your mind as easily as the good ones. We rated the York Brewery beers highly, in fact Mrs LB only drank the Terrier after day 1 in York. (Mrs LB loves a good beer as much as me, although our tastes differ a little. She prefers an ESB, but isnt keen on stouts, but will drink a Ported or Dark Mild) York was the highlight of the trip for me. Could have stayed there a lot longer. Wonderful place. Although, drinking in Canton just out of Cardiff rated for us as well, pints were only 2.20 gbp of anything on the hand pump.
mate sorry you didn't get the response you were after. Let me try again
Nup can't do it So go screw yourself get off your high horse and deal with it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
barls said:
mate sorry you didn't get the response you were after. Let me try again
Nup can't do it So go screw yourself get off your high horse and deal with it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hey, I know how to play this game.
But I'm not going to - or maybe just a little bit.
Wasnt after a response from you, my earlier post quite clearly stated my position for you posting in this topic.
Plenty of high horses about, maybe yours is a little higher than mine.
If I thought that it was appropriate to post in your mentioned topic, I would have, but as you can see from the replies here, it isnt really for that thread.
Now I'm off to to some private browsing on RedTube, so that I can do as suggested by the Topic Nazi.