So I've run a couple of brews with Salt adds.
Last brew I could measure the pH, hit 5.4 pH in the Mash with a 7gm add of both CACl and Gypsum to the strike water.
This is Noosa water in case anyone local is interested.
This was in a basic Aussie Ale.
4.5 kg Pale Malt BB
.25kg Carared
(forgot to order wheat malt this brew - derp)
7gm of each was added to 25L strike water, 3gm of each added to sparge water @ 11.5L.
Added 1/4kg dex, and Hopped with POR pellets at 60 min. Really basic recipe.
Will post tasting results in a few weeks. Have a previous brew I added 5gm of each to strike, 2.5gm of each to sparge, basic ale, but hopped with Motueka @ 60, 20, 15 & 0 : 30, 20, 20, 20. Should show me the effect on hop prescence, flavour etc.
May have improved my efficiency - which is up to a solid 70%, up from 60 to 65% at best, however, this could be down to me getting more experienced with my setup and processes now. Makes it hard to know if hitting my numbers was helped by the salt additions, but i guess its all part of getting a best practice regime happening.