Warning About Aspartame (nutrasweet 951)

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I remember reading an article in the late 90's after the fist Gulf War conflict with big Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopff.... I'm a bit hazy, but I recollect them detailing something they called 'Gulf Syndrome' or something like that. The symptoms were massive mood swings, over-aggresiveness etc etc... The general consensus of this article was to blame it on Aspartame...

The article stated that the US troops were supplied with a whole bunch of free Diet Coke, that sat in the desert often above 50C on pallets. I can't remember the exact science, but it stated that when Aspartame was heated to such temps, it began to form compounds similar to aldehydes or formaldehydes or something like that, highly toxic, but only in low concentrations in the bottles.

Anyway, like I said, not sure of the truth of it, but it was an interesting read, fiction or not. It will be interesting to see what all the studies eventually turn up
Next time you grab a kilo of apples from safeway or coles, run the kitchen sink with cold water and let the apples sit in it for a bit. you will see this white waxy film show up on every apple no doubt. My missus is great, she now goes to Preston market every weekend and only buys fruit and veg from the organic shop there. Same with meat now too. Expensive, Yes...but well worth it i say.

Im selective with the meat I buy, I buy organic chicken and pork! Beef/lamb I will select carefully from anywhere I am shopping... Beef is treated pretty well in Australia. The treatment of chickens an pigs in Australia is questionable. Im also lucky enough to have a fantastic butcher near by that only sells female pork meat! Believe me you can taste male pig!
Im selective with the meat I buy, I buy organic chicken and pork! Beef/lamb I will select carefully from anywhere I am shopping... Beef is treated pretty well in Australia. The treatment of chickens an pigs in Australia is questionable. Im also lucky enough to have a fantastic butcher near by that only sells female pork meat! Believe me you can taste male pig!
Doesn't taste like chicken?? :lol:
I'm not saying it is the best possible produce available - I'm just saying that there's no excuse for resorting to pre-packaged/prepared stuff when you don't want to.

But the wax isn't even the worst part of supermarket apples. Current conspiracy theory suggests you can't buy an apple in a supermarket in this country that is under a year old. Scary stuff if even remotely plausible.


I remember reading an article in the late 90's after the fist Gulf War conflict with big Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopff.... I'm a bit hazy, but I recollect them detailing something they called 'Gulf Syndrome' or something like that. The symptoms were massive mood swings, over-aggresiveness etc etc... The general consensus of this article was to blame it on Aspartame...

The article stated that the US troops were supplied with a whole bunch of free Diet Coke, that sat in the desert often above 50C on pallets. I can't remember the exact science, but it stated that when Aspartame was heated to such temps, it began to form compounds similar to aldehydes or formaldehydes or something like that, highly toxic, but only in low concentrations in the bottles.

Anyway, like I said, not sure of the truth of it, but it was an interesting read, fiction or not. It will be interesting to see what all the studies eventually turn up

Gulf war syndrome was caused by the cocktail of mediactions, innoculations etc they were given to protect against biological weapons.

This sickens me, really. This is exactly how all this conspiracy theory, hippie, sensationalistic bullshit pseudo-science is spread and it's bringing our race down.

Our race ? That's a big call.
Off topic slightly, if anyone wants to use a non chemical slternative sweetener, check out the plant Stevia rebaudiana. Ive got a bag of the stuff at home, and its great in tea (you only need about 1/3 a spoon of coarse dried leaves, to equal two spoons of cane sugar).

No scientifically proven negative effects of Stevia usage (thats the beauty of underground & little known plants - theres NO testing done, so by default it's all safe :D )
My understanding of Stevia is that only the extracted substance (glycoside) has been widely approved as "probably safe", not the actual leaves.

EDIT: I reckon this should be sent to the Off-Topic corner...
Im also lucky enough to have a fantastic butcher near by that only sells female pork meat! Believe me you can taste male pig!

You can smell it a mile away. I'll never forget the time I helped my brother in law take a load of pigs to the auction mart in the city. We sat in that damn place for about 6 hours and every time they herded a boar through I swear I could see the stink emanating from the beast. It took 3 washings in bleach to get the smell out of my clothes.

If you want to know what pig balls smell like, go to a livestock auction. You'll never forget.
If you want to know what pig balls smell like, go to a livestock auction. You'll never forget.

mmmmmmmmm...........the sweet smell of pigs balls.....:lol:.....another special discussion moment on AHB......hehe.
only AHB can go turn a thread on artifical sweetner warnings to sweaty pig balls........
I wonder if orange skittles will cure swine flu........
I'm not saying it is the best possible produce available - I'm just saying that there's no excuse for resorting to pre-packaged/prepared stuff when you don't want to.

But the wax isn't even the worst part of supermarket apples. Current conspiracy theory suggests you can't buy an apple in a supermarket in this country that is under a year old. Scary stuff if even remotely plausible.

Really though, you should be able to buy a fresh apple in your local suburb. I travel to the grower's markets in Bathurst (will soon become my home town, but is now 2 1/4 hours away) once a month to pick up fresh produce and meat. Fresh being stuff that can sit in my fridge and not go off after a week. The apples I bought there a fortnight ago have been sat on my dining room table and are still crispy. In between I'll resort to Harris Farm, but their quality is often questionable. I'm just dissatisfied with what I get for my money.

Yes, quality is subjective, I guess most would call me a snob for sticking my nose up at pre packaged supermarket produce. Personally I can tell the difference between something picked within a week and what has been sat in deep freeze.

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