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Wanted: Rhizomes

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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DU99 said:
victoria secret..got it off Yob
Oooh - Yob's & DrS's comments make VS sound v tempting too.
I guess Red Earth would be the other main one I'm keen on - it just looks really cool!
I've got a chinook (from DrS), and have 2 other spots to fill. So I'm keen for something:
Fruity - cascade or VS
Resiny - Columbus or centennial
Or pretty -red earth - to keep SWMBO happy, & the red earth descriptors sound good anyway.
Ah decisions - fwp!

How have you found the VS, DU99, in terms of growth & crop? (Or anyone else in melb).
Nah nothing to compare as this was my first year. Other hop i have is saaz which has done great vegetatively and is only now producing cones but it's a different beast to the American hops i think. I wasn't expecting much as I under planted them, mostly just a temporary set up until next season. They were very vigorous though and did produce some cones but not a huge quantity or great quality. The person I got it off (Ahb member) who is also on the coast said that it ended up covering his yard and produced a lot of flowers in its second year. He had it in the ground though.

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i nearly lost mine during the first big heat wave in jan,but it's still going along,little cones are starting to appear.

Now that my thread has been massacred ( :p ) can anyone who has rhizomes they want to sell/give away/trade PM me please? Thanks!
Yes 900m is where it's at :)

I'm in the same boat. Would be great to buy some locally. Otherwise will wait til ebay gets filled up with them.
I'll be giving away my Goldings Fuggles and my tett... Possibly my Canterbury Goldings as well, come get em whenever
Not generally mate

ed: Id like to dig em up and just hand them over if possible, I dunno how big the zomes are in the holes / pots so dont know what Id have to do to post
Yob said:
I'll be giving away my Goldings Fuggles and my tett... Possibly my Canterbury Goldings as well, come get em whenever
Can I put my name down for a tettnang when you dig it up mate?
I know it's a bit early but I also know how quickly they will disappear when you have them ready!
you can come get it anytime, sooner the better as I would prefer not to have to water them just to dig them up later on.

Send me a PM for pickup details.

Russellb5 said:
I feel like im cutting in on slcmorros thread here
Don't let it bother you. Seems like heaps of others don't have an issue with it. At least you were polite about it ;)
Any one got any hop rizomes for sale.im in western australia.
Cheers kyle
You cant import rizhomes into WA from other states. Its a quarantine issue.