1.Leave comments under the beer you're commenting on
2.prefix all comments with your name/initials and ideally the date you tasted the beer
3.Copy and paste previous post, DO NOT QUOTE
4.If your beer has just been bottled and isn't quite ready to drink, put a 'best after' date next to yours or if it is, 'ready now'
5.For those who still have undefined beers next to your name below or if you're the first person commenting on a beer below that has no name (e.g. Jyo's beer) then when you add your tasting notes also add the beer style (if known) so we know what we're supposed to be drinking.
6.Put the sort of comment here that you wouldn't be offended to receive if you brewed a beer that maybe wasn't the best or had an infection...
I Nev - Dark Lager -- Golliwog READY NOW
II Krausenhaus - American Amber - VERY READY NOW
sinkas: body and clarity and carbonation great,
very dry for style with a phenolic/fecal/burnt rubber finish
NME: Slightly hazy amber colour with a thin white head that vanishes pretty quick. Nice big hop aroma. Definitely has a big Citra flavour, nice malt sweetness and a decent carbonation level despite the head. Unfortunately I do get the old cardboard flavour, but I seem to be pretty sensitive to it. I think despite your bottling dramas, this is a really nice beer.
Drew9242: Good clarity, head disappeared quickly but could because of bottling. Good aroma and hop flavours. Just thought it was lacking something to take it to the next level. Good beer I would be happy with.
Fish - I enjoyed this beer. The low carbonation worries didn't come to fruit with a nice head some lacing. Nice malt and hop flavors and aromas. Some slight diacetyl but it worked well with the beer for me.
Doogiechap: Loved the big floral aroma hit at the start. Poured clear with a small quickly diminishing head. Malt profile was a little dry for an American Amber but the oxidisation wasn't too excessive for me and was a nice beer to finish my weekend off with

Thanks guys !!
Nev---- I sucked a Gary Busey and gotta say it was better than most of the films he made, poured well but head dropped quickly to leave a cover of thin foam on top. Tasty with just a hint of O2. I was expecting some thing for the sink so pleasantly surprised.
III- jyo- Special Best Bitter with Trademark Haze. Ready to Drink.
BBB - Couldn't see the haze through the haze. Bloody nice beer though. Would make this.
IV cdbrown - Northern German Altbier - been in the keg for 3 months, bottled the night before so get it cold - Ready Now. Low carb prob from CPBF
malt_shovel 10/12 - Brilliant clarity, head retention and malt profile. Enjoyed this a lot when brewing last night. Thanks for a quality brew.
Drew9242: Clear, mine lacked carbonation and head. But I really enjoyed this beer, would like to try to brew it me self.
keifer33: 11/12 - lower carb but nice and fine, small persistent head. initial fruity esters with a nice bitterness to compliment the malt profile. nice color and clarity also. good work Craig.
sinkas: Nice clarity,malty aromas with hint esters, spice and smoke, , nice malty yet crisp palate, damn tasty.
V - Zig - Czech Pils - There is also Strong Pils and Lutsenbier in these, as labeled. Drink all of them ASAP really. Keep cold.
malt_shovel 10/12 (Strong Pils) - Could read a newspaper through this. Nice carbonation and head that laced all the way. Very well balance for high ABV. Would happily drink this all day/night. Cheers
mikey (czech pils) - Clean and refreshing, went down well for a hot day. High carb, headmaster glass kept about 2cm of head the whole time! Very tasty
cdbrown (czech pils) - very clean and crisp and clear. Showed nice carbonation throughout, but very little head retention. Very easy to drink. Good work
keifer33 - 12/12 - (Lutsenbier) - :icon_drool2: Seriously clear, nice persistant head. Aroma and flavour where great and cant fault it at all. Fantasticly easy to drink and was the best beer I could ask for after a long day.
VI - keifer33 - English Bitter (might be overcarbed so let it sit for a bit in the glass/jug) -
sinkas: yes certianly overcarbed,so it never really got down to the level where its gassiness didnt efffecn the palate, I think nottighams is probably a bit too grunty for this beer, enede up too dry with bottle conditioning, but flavours and aromas were great
VII - Drew's Brew's - Vienna Lager -
BBB assessment
Head - very good
Clarity - cloudy
Mouthfeel - lucky I have to type coz I can't speak - tongue stuck to roof of mouth wink.gif Mouthfeel is heavy but nice
Hops - nice spicey aftertaste - do I detect a hint of chocolate??
Overall - Nice beer.
VIII- Fish13 - munich lager. -
Nev--- Nice bread notes upon pouring, lively carbonation and head lasted well , nice easy drinking lager, cheers.
IX - Ledgenko - Either a crack at an Trappist Ale or a extra strong IPA
sinkas: i think this is the beer (unlabeled), not sure what it was meant to be , but unfortunatley not drinkable
X - WW (Crotchrot Brewing Company); Belgian DSA, bottle conditioned, READY NOW
XI willigan - US/kiwi pale ale.
XII - Bada Bing Brewery - Kolsch or Hefe or Pils, ALL READY NOW
mikey: (kolsch) pale straw, clean, refreshing. Bit flat but very enjoyable
XIII Spoonta - English Pale Ale
XIV -Ciro- ( Half bottle of Helles)?
sinkas: not too sure about this one, amazing clarity though
XV - malt_shovel - Mulberry Wheat (ready to drink)
NME: I love the colour of this beer! A really nice deep red colour. Definite mulberries on the nose and all over the flavour. I see what you mean about a lack of tart, but I think it works really really well. Very very refreshing beer and just what I needed tonight
BBB - Great colour. Loved it. The ladies here put down their champers and fought for the dregs. I really liked this beer.
XVI - Mikey - Oktoberfest - (ready to drink)
XVII - Doogiechap - Oirish Red Best to leave till Feb
XVIII - stormahead - Munich lager (two pale ales also thrown in) - ready to drink
XIX - Drew9242 - Shedbound Belgian DSA - bottled in July, use your discretion.
XX- sinkas - bgsa drink around Australia day
XXI - NME - American Brown - Ready now.
XXII -Dave - Belgian Strong. -
XXIII - Aces High - Cascadian dark ale - Ready now
sinkas: nice black IPA body but strong nose and finish of diacetyl
Drew9242: American dark ales aren't really my thing, I enjoyed it but wouldn't go back for more. This is more my taste than anything.
keifer33 11/12 - nice dark color with a thick persistent head. aroma of dark malts and enjoyable hoppiness. slight diacetyl (not ever powering but in lower amounts my taste buds have trouble detecting). overall a very nice dark IPA but might be nicer with a bit more piney hop flavor/aroma. would be keen for recipe if your don't mind PM ing me it .
Nev---- I had this with a customer , we both enjoyed it, could go a few more .
XXIV - Mitch_76 - Munich Dunkel -
Fish - Nice roasty flavours coming through. Nice clean bitterness and very smooth. Very little head and lacing but lovely beer
XXV - Bizier - Soured Quinoa/Oat/Rye Saison - Ready if you are thirsty, but should get funkier if you can wait.