vs threads VS not vs threads

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bibo ergo sum
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please stop them. they're terrible to a community who will ALWAYS be doing things differently. we're not here to compete.

thank you.
How would I ever make new friends without troll threads?
WarmBeer said:
I feel compelled to disagree, if only to maintain the current pattern.
I agree, but I've got a better idea..
I disagree, I think we can agree...
Dave70 said:
I agree, but I've got a better idea..
Your 'opinion' means nothing to me. Show me the scientific paper to prove your idea is, in fact, better...
Kaiser Soze said:
Your 'opinion' means nothing to me. Show me the scientific paper to prove your idea is, in fact, better...
I don't have to. My limited experience tells me that the way I do things is the only right way to go. If your way works, you've just been lucky.
I have no experience or knowledge of vs VS vs but i feel like i want to reply just to be part of the action.

Therefore on the basis of a lack of scientific evidence I agree that disagreeing just to be agreeable with those that are disgreeing is agreeable to me.

Kaiser Soze said:
Your 'opinion' means nothing to me. Show me the scientific paper to prove your idea is, in fact, better...
I dont agree with the OP....but agree he has the right to not agree with posting these threads
Interesting, but are these VS threads compatible with NPT and BSP threads?
is agreeing to agree agreeable....cause I dont agree with that. I have agree'd before but found it disagreed with my in built agreeance

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