Very Clever Tooheys Ad

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Later today, brewer Lion Nathan will set in train a viral marketing campaign when it emails a web address to thousands of staff and customers, allowing them to view the ad and pass it on.

If anyone gets the URL, post it here first!
One of the best beer ads ever has been slaughtered.

The panel was forced to consider the ad after just two complaints from consumers.

Wow!! 2 complaints.
Probably reformed alcoholics that could not bear seeing all that beer going to waste.

In the end the judges found the wild jubilation of the crowd and the presence of large containers and vessels with which to collect the beer breached the ABAC code.

The code.

Full story here.

the two girls being sacrified to the gods!!!???

I thought they were thrown up there with all the other ingredients was to make sure the beer had got some good head :ph34r: :ph34r:
One of the best beer ads ever has been slaughtered.

The panel was forced to consider the ad after just two complaints from consumers.

Wow!! 2 complaints.
Probably reformed alcoholics that could not bear seeing all that beer going to waste.

In the end the judges found the wild jubilation of the crowd and the presence of large containers and vessels with which to collect the beer breached the ABAC code.

The code.

Full story here.



So we're not allowed show people having fun with beer. I can just seen the next generation of beer adds - shot of a beer glass...plain grey background. Caption/voiceover "Beer... its slightly interesting".

I'm all for the responsible service and all that but has the whole thing gone too far? I remember the Canadias banning the where the bloody hell are you adds not for the bloody hell but for the scene wher someone in a pub drinks a beer and looks like they enjoyed it.

Some one please wrap me in cotton wool. I might fall over and hurt myself.

I'll stop ranting now.


Edit: rants look better spelled right.
Two complaints. TWO COMPLAINTS. FFS what is the country coming to. A coupld of old biddys not getting the context of the ad, complaining. Complaining; fine. Complaining and making them change the ad is just a joke.

It is an ad. A commercial. Hell if all commericals had to be a reflection on reality, tv would be boring as batshit.

I'm in RANT mode today too :)

Two complaints. TWO COMPLAINTS. FFS what is the country coming to. A coupld of old biddys not getting the context of the ad, complaining. Complaining; fine. Complaining and making them change the ad is just a joke.

It is an ad. A commercial. Hell if all commericals had to be a reflection on reality, tv would be boring as batshit.

I'm in RANT mode today too :)


You know the thing that really surprises me? That the cruelty to animals people didn't complain about the deer because "it might have prompted copycat attacks".

Thats the really sad thing. I'm surprised that some pointless goody two shoes pussy didn't complain. What kind of world do we live in where we are surprised when people don't complain about something.

Lame. Its all lame. We're doomed I tells 'e... DOOMED!


I need a beer.

Just wait until they start putting pictures of cirrhotic livers on the labels ala the smoke packs. <_<
That's the one where they shoot the stag in the clouds with the malt ,hops and yeast :)
The stag was to give it that dead taste it has. :p
Just wait until they start putting pictures of cirrhotic livers on the labels ala the smoke packs. <_<

Hmmm.... Can see myself strutting the liver catwalk anytime now. :blink:

Warren -
Shame, don't think I ever saw the full ad here in Adelaide. Oddly enough I just came back home from a few pints of New.... tastes like crap unless its $3 for a 420mL pint :eek: Comes in easily on a uni student's budget.

2 complaints recalls a TV advertising campaign? Yet 2 million complaints can't stop the IR laws...
We all know it's not real as they did not shoot any sacks from CSR or chem companies into the sky.... :D
Cost a mill bucks for that one ad, need I say more.
We all know it's not real as they did not shoot any sacks from CSR or chem companies into the sky.... :D
Cost a mill bucks for that one ad, need I say more.

I tried not to rant any more. I really tried. but its just one of those days.

How sad is it that companies these days will spend a million bucks flogging a crap beer rather than spend that million bucks improving the bloody beer!

If I were in that add you know what my complaint would be? All that effort and the gods make it rain Tooheys New! Why do they hate us so? What did they do with all the hops and malt we sent them? We wanted beer not something they filtered through their kidneys first.

Ok. I think its out of my system now.

You know how dumb the average person is? Well, by definition, half of 'em are even dumber than THAT."


My kids actually love the ad. It would be their favourite ad on TV, especially as it is alway on FoxSports during the rugby :p

That's the one where they shoot the stag in the clouds with the malt ,hops and yeast :)
The stag was to give it that dead taste it has. :p

Ya beat me to it Bindi, still it was your line, needs a dead animal to give it that Tooheys taste.
I can't say that I usually care about what happens to the two major mega-swills, but on this one I really have to side with Lion Nathan. The ad wouldn't make me buy Tooheys, but I think their advertising agency came up with a pretty interesting concept. Two complaints!!!
This ad was just on, with the girls included.

Thought it was cancelled?
And now Fosters are in trouble with an ad for Fosters in the UK.

From here
A British ad for Foster's showing a man pushing his girlfriend's face over a glass of beer to keep it cool has reportedly drawn complaints about domestic violence...

The offending ad starts off showing a couple lying on a sun-kissed Australian beach. A blonde, bikini-clad woman leans over to kiss her boyfriend, but he palms her face to the side to shade his beer, saying "You're a good sport, Cheryl".

"Don't move," he says as he holds the woman's face over the beer. The ad ends with the slogan: "Well you wouldn't want a warm beer, would you?"...

The ad can be downloaded from here

And surely the Carlton Draught ad should be modified for using the word "Bloody"??

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