I'm not sure how to say, "Kieran".
Is it kay-ran, or key-ran or keer-an, or kee-ren?
yeah, it must present all sorts of challenges to someone named Nick. :icon_cheers:
Hi all.
I wrongly pronounce Wort as it looks. I know most pronounce it wrt.. (phonetically wert).
That's cool and all, but after living with a german for 2 years, i know they wouldnt pronounce it 'wert'.. It would be pronounced 'vert'.
But that's assuming that the 'o' is pronounced as an 'oe' because it is of german origin (the oe is a way of spelling an umlaut typset o, ie. ) .
But then I saw somewhere that in old English it was Wyrt. Now that would make sense from both a spelling and phonetic pronunciation standpoint.
Anyway, can anyone shed any light on the subject. I'm curious.
I was waiting for that reaction at the last MB meeting (when I gave a small presentation on yeast-starters) and interchanged wert, wort and vert throughout.And I cringe when people call wert wart. Each their own, I spose.
Good job you aren't from New Zealand, where the correct pronunciation would be "Wort, Bro."Wort, I'm aussie, not American, German or any other nationality. :beerbang:
I've noticed the use of the "correct" pronounciation is largely weighted on the wankiness of the subject.
We don't say fee-lay (fillet), but we say bell-ay (ballet).
It's ****** wort. Like the Witch's face. Poofs.![]()
Gelul <_<
:lol:Gelul <_<
Suxty-sux bucks of fush'n'chups, thunks.
These women pronounce "oh" as "oy" and say "moy moyboyle phoyne is soy cool", almost like they were living in the West of the UK. Men didn't do this.
But then you found out that the fush 'n' chup shop owner was the god-damn loch ness monster!Thats alot of food. I normally just get tree fiddy worth