Vanuatu Beers

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Brewing at the battered's shed
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I am going to vanuatu in a couple of weeks I was wondering about my beer options over there, Has any one tried there beers,or will I be drinking duty free bundy instead.
Just got back from a trip there myself.

There is only one really which is Tusker, comes in a green bottle and is drinkable, not the greatest but with the hot weather easy to down a couple. Definitely using aussie malts. They make another one which i didn't drink.

There is a microbrewery on the road up to Mele near the golf course, didn't try it just saw it on a drive...

Other than that you'll find the popular Aussie beers there - VB, Hahn, i even saw JS Amber at Chill right near the markets/supermarket in Vila

Duty free allowances are a bit funny there i think it's only 1.5L for entry in, you get 2.25L coming back into Oz
I am going to vanuatu in a couple of weeks I was wondering about my beer options over there, Has any one tried there beers,or will I be drinking duty free bundy instead.

Hey Sav

I was over there last year and like DJR says Tusker is their beer. At the supermarket i remember VB, Fosters and James Boags.

They do have the Seven Seas Brewery, it's run by an American and it's very "American themed". Like a saloon bar. They had two beers when I was there "Boots Lager" and another one other which I can't remember. I remember one being ok and the other having a bit more flavour but really poor head retention.
If you get bored with the beers you could always try the Kava :icon_drunk:
Enjoy your trip.
I've been to Vanuatu many times, and in fact I'll be back there from next Sunday for a week. It's a good place for a laid-back holiday with great diving, sailing and friendly people.

But a beer destination it ain't. Tusker is a barely drinkable adjunct-y lager with a head that disappears in seconds, and is about the best on offer. VB -- Vanuatu Bitter -- is unsurprisingly pretty awful. At the resorts you'll pay about $6 bucks for one of these local beers. Imports a fair bit more expensive. At the local shops beers cost about $2.50-$3 each. You can buy beer at just about any supermarket or corner shop, but not from midday Saturday until Monday morning, thanks to the influence of the local churches. Of course it's still available at the hotels, resorts, restaurants and bars.

A much cheaper option for intoxication is kava. Like drinking dirty creek water, but makes for a very mellow hour or two.

I should add that I was at the local trade fair in Vila last year and had a couple of Tuskers from the brewery's tent. It must have been very fresh, and tasted far better than any other beer I've had in Vanuatu. Maybe the beer really suffers from the heat and humidity while it waits for someone to drink it.

BTW, if you just want a thirst quencher, a freshly opened green coconut from the local markets costs about 10 cents.
Thanks for all the tips guys,either way Its a holiday for relaxing ,I can look forward to my nearly 100lts in my keg fridge when I get home.
Just got back yesterday. Tuskers were consumed, but this is one beer that needs to be drunk very cold. I made the mistake of opening one that had warmed up a little...nasty, very nasty.

Turns out there is now a microbrewery of some sort in Vila. It's called the War Horse Saloon, on the left as you head towards Mele from Vila (for anybody who knows the area). I didn't get a chance to check it out though.

But I can now say that I am a tsunami survivor. I was on a dive boat when the horror wave struck. Apparently it was about 4 cm (the wave, that is).
i was in Vanuatu in 2007 and found the beer range disappointing. The one thing they have in common with Aussie is VB (Vanuatu Bitter) as already mentioned. A taste of home as they taste the same IMHO. It's certainly not like going to Belgium or Germany!
yeah was in vanuatu a couple of months back and was on the tusker. it's noting to write home about but i think it's ok for a holiday swill in the sun.

also available is the tusker op (over proof). 7%. looks exactly the same. on first taste you would think it was the same beer but after a few you can notice the difference both in taste (heavier) and balance (yours not the beer)


Just got back yesterday. Tuskers were consumed, but this is one beer that needs to be drunk very cold. I made the mistake of opening one that had warmed up a little...nasty, very nasty.

Turns out there is now a microbrewery of some sort in Vila. It's called the War Horse Saloon, on the left as you head towards Mele from Vila (for anybody who knows the area). I didn't get a chance to check it out though.

But I can now say that I am a tsunami survivor. I was on a dive boat when the horror wave struck. Apparently it was about 4 cm (the wave, that is).

Did you visit " The lady " Geoffi

The SS President Coolidge, what a dive

I agree the beer is very ordinary

Did you visit " The lady " Geoffi

The SS President Coolidge, what a dive

I agree the beer is very ordinary


No, I've done a bit of diving around Efate, but I've never made it to Santo. I'd love to get there though. The Coolidge sounds like an amazing experience.
It's certainly not like going to Belgium or Germany!

True in so many ways. For much of the year the underwater visibility in Vanuatu is better than the above-water visibility in Belgium and Germany.
No, I've done a bit of diving around Efate, but I've never made it to Santo. I'd love to get there though. The Coolidge sounds like an amazing experience.

Sorry i'm off topic

Do yourself a favour Geoffi and get to Santo, do the president and also Million Dollor point

I want to get back and dive to the pool on the president which if i recall is at 60 meters

Sorry i'm off topic

Do yourself a favour Geoffi and get to Santo, do the president and also Million Dollor point

I want to get back and dive to the pool on the president which if i recall is at 60 meters


Have you ventured to the SS Muff Rooky? :icon_chickcheers:

Warren -
Sorry i'm off topic

Do yourself a favour Geoffi and get to Santo, do the president and also Million Dollor point

I want to get back and dive to the pool on the president which if i recall is at 60 meters


60m? Wow. That's a bit beyond my comfort level I'm afraid. Deepest I've ever gone is only about 40. But I've heard there's plenty to see at shallower depths as well.