Dredging this up so I can use the title of the thread without starting a whole new one.
I made an AIPA that had a huge amount of homegrown hops chucked in at flameout (literally about 300gms), it's been in the bottle about 5 weeks and I've been enjoying it for the last 3 weeks or so (as it carbed nice and quickly).
The aroma was fantastic and it has been my pride and joy over the last few weekends with friends etc., but I opened one last night and a lot of the fruitiness (the flowers were cascade and chinook) had significantly dissipated and left behind some slightly vegetal flavours - not unpleasant, but not as nice as what it was.
I bottled a second AIPA a week after this one - in the firs few tastings I preferred the homegrown hop beer so much more, but now the other one (a citra, NS and centential combo) is starting to improve while the other is dropping off.
Having said that, the flowers were from my first year of growing hops and may have all been picked a bit too early...
Has anyone experienced anything similar with homegrown flowers (I have never used commercial flowers)?