Us04- Fermenting Stalled?

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Hi all,

Quick questions. I put a kit brew down on the weekend using US-04 yeast which i havent used before.

Normally with kit yeasts, it takes about 24-36 hours to kick in, then bubbles away happily for a couple of days before slowing down.

The brew with US-04 took approx 12 hours to get cracking and probably only bubbled for maybe 12 hours, now seems to have stopped completely. I havent taken any SG readings, ill do that at lunch time, just curious as to whether this is normal?

Temperature is pretty stable around 17-18 degrees.

What do i need to do to get things happining again? or what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance
I have be using this yeast for my last say 8 brews.

I find the yeast very active for about 2 to 3 days and then it looks like it has stopped but really it can take a week to finish off.

Most of the time I give it a week at 18 deg and lift it for a few days to over 20 deg to finish..

if you mean bubbling as in your airlock dont worry as there cane be many reasons for it not bubbling[leak at lid seal or airlock grommet]just take hyd readings every couple of days to see if sg is dropping if its staying high give the ferm a gentle swirl to get yeast up and running[try not to splash]or raise your temp a couple of degrees for a day or so,as others will say ditch the airlock and go gladwrap method and trust your hydrometer
Are you using S-04 or US-05? I don't think there is a US-04...

Regardless, your temps look fine and it should be OK, wait a week and if it isn't looking at least near complete, then start to wonder wtf is going on :)

thanks for the replies.

Sorry, yeah it is the S-04 yeast.

I always go by the hydromoter, but I asked the questions because im new to the yeast, barrell is fairly new and air tight, airlock bubbles fine. It just seemed to bubble for an abnormal amount of time.
I would agree with above, the kits in the past have been 2-3 days of bubbling with kit yeast. The S-04 was only 12-18 hours. Just doesnt seem correct. I'll keep an eye on the SG from now on. Just seems strange.
Yeah it'll be fine. In my experience with english yeasts (which is fairly limited...) indicates that relative to other yeasts I use, they tend to ferment intensely for a short amount of time in the beginning, then take a while to finish.