Upgrade question: stock pot mash to 3 vessel HERMS

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Hoping to save myself wasted time, bad batches etc.

I have previously just made my brews with a mash in stock pots. No complaints - made tonnes of good stuff. I now have this 3 vessel thing I just bought from a friend and am excited by the prospect of being able to make ship loads.

With the mash recirculating, heat elements and temp control etc I am guessing I will probably get more goodies from grain. Maybe even need to use less to make same amount of beer.

As a rough guide can anyone advise what % increase in gravity / efficiency I might be looking at with this system vs my stock pot setup? Just trying to work out what alterations might be necessary with my recipes
Difficult question to answer, a lot of influences on the efficiency, pH, grain crush, sparging, water to grain ratio. It is something you will have to play around with to get to know how best to use you newly acquired system. Your mate who you got it off would be someone to best advise you then tweek it up from there.
Figured I may have to. Always looking for an easy way out!
My advice would be to expect an efficiency of 75%. Brew a first batch with the recipe dialed in at that and then measure the efficiency you actually get. That will give you a base line.

It wont matter that much if you get slightly higher or lower for the first batch. It will still be beer.

As weal has said, there are so many factors that impact efficiency its impossible to know without trial and error, or information from someone who has used that system and has already done some trial and error and can fill you in on their process.

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