Uh, guys.. lil' help?

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Great thread, just need to read these at an appropriate drinking hour.
MastersBrewery said:
Great thread, just need to read these at an appropriate drinking hour.
Maybe i'm just becoming a grumpy old fart... but I see no value & certainly nothing great, from these troll threads....
I was thinking same thing ross!
Cocko said:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from *******)

This article is about the human breast. For other mammals, see Udder and Mammary gland. For other uses, see Breast (disambiguation).

"****s" redirects here. For other uses, see **** (disambiguation).

Breast The breasts of a pregnant woman Latin mamma (mammalis "of the breast")[1] Artery internal thoracic artery Vein internal thoracic vein
The breast is the upper ventral region of the torso of a primate, in left and right sides, containing the mammary gland which in afemale can secrete milk used to feed infants.
Both men and women develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. However, at puberty, female sex hormones, mainlyestrogen, promote breast development which does not occur in men due to the higher amount of testosterone. As a result, women's breasts become far more prominent than those of men.
During pregnancy, the breast is responsive to a complex interplay of hormones that cause tissue development and enlargement in order to produce milk. Three such hormones are estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, which cause glandular tissue in the breast and the uterus to change during the menstrual cycle.[2]
Each breast contains 15–20 lobes. The subcutaneous adipose tissue covering the lobes gives the breast its size and shape. Each lobe is composed of many lobules, at the end of which are sacs where milk is produced in response to hormonal signals.[2]
Whilst i do like the tits this kind of **** will get someone sacked if they happen to be at. Work doing a bit of research for their next brew during their lunch break
Research. That's what I should've told the missus I was doing. Curse you Cocko. Twice reported!
" I don't get why he used a chilly bin"

I had a mate from NZ that used one of those, but he kept calling it a "chully bun" I had no idea what he was talking about for ages.
Ross said:
Maybe i'm just becoming a grumpy old fart... but I see no value & certainly nothing great, from these troll threads....
Sadly, I'm with you mate. I love a laugh more than the next man, but these posts makes it tough on genuine calls for help - which sometimes aren't too far removed from the OP.

"These posts" make you realise the internet is full of people who undermine everything AHB is apparently, used to be is about.

Obvious trolling is funny, sad and some what a waste of all our time but its gonna happen... [More and more, as it seems]

You, being spiesy and ross, have both posted in this thread thus have somewhat contributed to this ****.

Maybe just leave it alone if it is so offensive?

Go help someone.

Its the Moderators and Admins job to not delete these ramblings, but move them into an appropriate subforum, this one being 'Off Topic', there the drunk and bored forum posters can have there fun.. No point wingeing about it, message the Mods and highlight the topic to them, they are clearly to busy to read into all of them....

The only way this OP was written seriously is if he was priming his beers with LSD soaked sugar cubes...
I dont really like these threads.

But ah sho like *******.
Cocko said:

"These posts" make you realise the internet is full of people who undermine everything AHB is apparently, used to be is about.

Obvious trolling is funny, sad and some what a waste of all our time but its gonna happen... [More and more, as it seems]

You, being spiesy and ross, have both posted in this thread thus have somewhat contributed to this ****.

Maybe just leave it alone if it is so offensive?

Go help someone.
