Ubuntu......who Runs It

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Ducatiboy stu

Well-Known Member
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Running ubuntu as we speak

Who runs it and how is it going

unfortunatly I am running under VMware....not the best but it is safe

Damn...it ..... ubuntu...not unbuntu :(

PoMo EDIT: fixed that for ya.
I currently surf/email/etc using gentoo, but my next choice would be ubuntu.

what help do u need ?
I run Kubuntu on my main laptop, Mythbuntu on the MythTV box and dual boot Kubuntu and WinXP on SWMBO's laptop.

What help do you need?
I run Kubuntu on my main laptop, Mythbuntu on the MythTV box and dual boot Kubuntu and WinXP on SWMBO's laptop.

What help do you need?

Well I am still playing with it and working out what it can do

What I want to do is set it up for dual boot in my laptop...but I cant seem to setup a partition on my hard drive...XP takes the whole drive....I have 60g that I want to aprt 40/20......BUT I dont want to screw up XP cause all my work stuff is on there and lie will be most unpleasant if anything happens to XP.I have a lot PABX/Terminal/Voicemail software that only runs on windows..

I would also like to be able to look at my XP files with Unbuntu....but MTFS might screw me there..

ATM the momemt it runs under VMware, which is like towing a mack truck with a Mini...

I would like to run XP under Ubuntu keeping my original XP setup...
What I want to do is set it up for dual boot in my laptop...but I cant seem to setup a partition on my hard drive...XP takes the whole drive....I have 60g that I want to aprt 40/20......BUT I dont want to screw up XP cause all my work stuff is on there and lie will be most unpleasant if anything happens to XP.I have a lot PABX/Terminal/Voicemail software that only runs on windows..
well, first things first, boot off the livecd and check that all your hardware works fine under ubuntu. things to check include your ethernet/wireless/sound all work. if things dont work, you need to decide if they're critical to your computing. booting off the livecd wont make any changes to your hdd so all your data is safe

step 2a, is to back up all of your data. no matter how many people have had no trouble with the partitioning software resizing their windows partition, there's no guarantee that your particular combination of hardware wont show up an undiscovered bug and kill your windows, so the only way to be safe is to have another copy of everything. I personally don't bother with step 2 and have never had a problem, but if the data is really important to you, then it's worth backing it up

step 2b, wait 4 days for 8.04 to be moved out of beta and be officially released

step 3, install ubuntu. the default option for the 8.04 betas (and from memory the 7.10 release) is to resize your existing partition and set up ubuntu in the free'd space, and works pretty flawlessly from my experience.

alternatively, you could look into wubi, which is a new tool that works with ubuntu 8.04. it allows you to install ubuntu "into" a file on your ntfs windows partiton. this requires no repartitioning and doesnt require overwriting the windows bootloader making it very easy to reverse, but will be slightly slower because of the overheads involved

I would also like to be able to look at my XP files with Unbuntu....but MTFS might screw me there..
back in the old, old days, you'd have to jump through hoops to be able to read and write your to ntfs partitions, but today with the ntfs-3g driver it's extremely simple. I cant say for certain that it's automagic, but I dont remember having to go out of my way to get it to work on any recent release of ubuntu

I would like to run XP under Ubuntu keeping my original XP setup...
should be possible with vmware, but I couldn't tell you how. someone else might be more help
The live CD didnt work....dont know why...but it wont..But Ubuntu installed perfectly in VMware using the downloaded .iso file

So far things have been fairly smooth, but I did have the following probs

No sound....had to modify the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file....

Did not see my cd drive....this was a VMware prob

No java....but noting goolge and get-apt couldnt fix...but chat didnt work properly on AHB....could see every one talking, but could not talk....used chatzilla instead

Printer required different driver....

Shall wait for v8.0 and try the new wubi..

The good thing about running Ubuntu thru VMware on xp is that if I stuff it I can always reload it and it wont affect XP in any way, wich allows me to get my head around how to use linux

But I do like...so much simpler in a lot of ways over windows
Have just upgraded to ubuntu 8.04

WOW...what a diference...makes XP look mighty slow...and I do mean SLOW..... :angry:

Looks like they have made some good ( major ) improvements to the way it works

especially they touchpad on my lapy... :D

even WINE works better
i have nearly d/loaded i will give a try soon

Its a bit differnt to winodows....especially when it comes to intalling software/apps...

but once you get used to the applicatoins menu \ add/remove app, you only need to type in a basic application that you need and it will give you a menu that you can select from

way diferent, but much better in my book....
I would recommend as a newbie to linux to try
It has the best driver listing
runs very well on older hardware.

It also has KDE interface which is like windows which Ubuntu does not (not including kbuntu)
Its also blue not brown :p
Good on you Stu... here's me having you pegged for being a luddite hillbilly ;) :p

I run Ubuntu on all my desktop and laptop machines now. Just got given a new laptop and desktop for my new job and went through the installer for the first time in a while.

I had to defrag windoze and turn off the swap file before Ubuntu would resize the partition on the laptop, but the desktop worked first go.

And yeah, both definitely now feel snappier that XP. Much better.
Zizzle, do you run Hardy or Gutsy? I only have Gutsy on my machines. Are you dual booting the new machines?

Oh and the obligatory quote "New York City? Get a rope!" from the Pace Pecante ad...
Zizzle....you would be suprised what this hillbilly knows.....I was actually pretty good at running DOS way back... and i really hated all forms of windoze

I now have Ubuntu v8.04 on my partitioned drive on the lappy. I originally installed v7.0 then upgraded..

The partitioning went very well, but I did have to defrage XP a few times before doing it...so far so good..

Unfortunatly I still have apps that will only run on windows...which sh%ts me no end...but i am working on that side of things...

Going back to windows is painfully sllllooooowwww . The speed difference on boot-up and running is what really got me....

Oh and how is NY city...are you a gangsta hippie biatch yet... :lol: .
Unfortunatly I still have apps that will only run on windows...which sh%ts me no end...but i am working on that side of things...

Going back to windows is painfully sllllooooowwww . The speed difference on boot-up and running is what really got me....
maybe have a look at this, save "rebooting" into windows at all. I haven't tried it myself as I dont have windows on my ubuntu machine and vmware fusion on my mac does the same thing automatically with it's windows partition
Aslo looking at virtualbox as well....

my main prob is using my USB-RS232 adapter to as a com port.....dont know if it will work in linux...

I have to use a USB adapter because my lappy doesnt have a com port, and I constantly use com ports for talking to PABX's and other stuff, so full usb functionality is a must...
WHY....please do tell....

AS Noted above

I would recommend as a newbie to linux to try
It has the best driver listing
runs very well on older hardware.

It also has KDE interface which is like windows which Ubuntu does not (not including kbuntu)
Its also blue not brown

It isnt number one for no reason!
It isnt number one for no reason!
Eat shit. Millions of flies couldn't be wrong. :p

I haven't seen PCLinuxOS, so I can't comment on it, but it does have a lame name... :lol:
I can vouch for KDE though, but I'd probably be happy with KDE or Gnome. I'm a recent convert to Ubuntu, after over 10 years of previous distributions, including building my own with Linux From Scratch, but the debian package manager rocks. Beats the hell out of trying to manually resolve dependencies.

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