I'm planning on brewing a Bohemian Pilsner this weekend but I think I've got in over my head when it comes to the starter I'm going to need.
The plan is 40lt pils and I have only one wyeast pack. Instead of spending a week building a starter the size of Sydney Harbour which I don't have containers to do I am thinking of adding more wort as the fermentation gets started.
Is it possible to start 10 liters in the fermenter with my one yeast pack, then once its up and running chuck the remaining 30 lt on top? Sort of like a 10lt starter. I know its probably not ideal and the fermentation police are going to come down on me but will it work? Will there be enough yeast growth in the 10lt to get a healthy ferment in the full 40 lt batch?
My reasoning is, if I where to ferment out 20 liters and then repitch on the cake there would be to much yeast so if I only use 10 lt to start then the yeast quantity should be closer to that required and I should get a healthier start from the wyeast pack.
I have had a play around with the Mr Malty pitching rate calculator and it seems it should work.
The plan is 40lt pils and I have only one wyeast pack. Instead of spending a week building a starter the size of Sydney Harbour which I don't have containers to do I am thinking of adding more wort as the fermentation gets started.
Is it possible to start 10 liters in the fermenter with my one yeast pack, then once its up and running chuck the remaining 30 lt on top? Sort of like a 10lt starter. I know its probably not ideal and the fermentation police are going to come down on me but will it work? Will there be enough yeast growth in the 10lt to get a healthy ferment in the full 40 lt batch?
My reasoning is, if I where to ferment out 20 liters and then repitch on the cake there would be to much yeast so if I only use 10 lt to start then the yeast quantity should be closer to that required and I should get a healthier start from the wyeast pack.
I have had a play around with the Mr Malty pitching rate calculator and it seems it should work.