Two Can Morgans Stockmans Draught

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hi guys,

Im about to try a two can morgans draught and i was just wondering wether i should pitch both the kit yeast sachels or just one?


Jack :)
Unless you have a use for the other satchel chuck it in. No harm in having extra yeast.
both, unless you have an economic reason not to. But given it's free, I don't think you will.

Are you using any "extras" - hops, other yeasts or extra malts?

no extras, just want to see how it tastes and can be improved on with hops etc next time round :)
Use both. At 6 grams/packet you really are pitching low. So both packets giving 12 grams is far closer to an adequate pitching rate.
no extras, just want to see how it tastes and can be improved on with hops etc next time round :)

That's good to hear.

I know the outcome - if used correctly, there will be no comparison - the 'extras' beer will win hands down. The most exciting (and at the time, scary) jump is going from doing a toucan to adding extras/changing stuff. But you learn lots, not only about ingredients, but about processes, and AHB is extremely helpful for new brewers/advancing brewers, if they are willing to search for stuff and ask questions.

Wish it was around when I started brewing.


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