Tube Dryer

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After a brewing a batch of beer, I have a problem of cleaning the tubes, I usually flush them with warm water, and warm water mixed with cleaning solution and such. Once I've done that however, the moisture in the tubes causes them to cloud up. I've had several batches ruined by bad tubing. :( So I began replacing it after every 3-6 batches. However I'm beginning to get very tired of having to drop by the homebrew store every 2 or 3 months and spend what seems to me to be a waste of money. (I brew a lot of beer :p ) However! I'm beginning to think that if I thoroughly dried the tubes after washing them that this buildup of nasties could be prevented. :lol: I'm living in Canberra at the moment, so I could probably get by drying them using the sun somehow... but I am from New Orleans, and due to the humidity, that Idea would be scrapped when I live there with my family every 4 months out of the year. I was thinking of somehow diverting the flow of a hairdryer to pass through the tubing. Any comments/suggestions on improving this idea would be greatly appreciated. :)
Hang them in the sun. I do. No probs. My only concession to sterility apart from putting SWAMBO on the jack and jill between littlies is a quick wash in napisan. As long as they dry completely in the sun. But, hey there's more things going to bust a brew than condensation! Buy a new tap for $2! :D


I remember FNQ brewer talking about mould and the troubles he has. Amazing stuff!
I try to keep all hoses disconnected and hanging kink free so everything can dry out.
Everything hangs so there's no u-shapes to collect moisture. Then I flush it out as many times as i can with water, hot water, sanitiser, hot wort, sanitiser, and wort, and no lengths over about 1.5metres. (That's about 3.5 Krusty the Clown feet in your language)
mine has gone a milky cloudy colour to.
If the tubing not food grade i find the wort stains it, mines not a "milky" colour tho more of a brown/green tinge.

The tubing i buy from my local HBS dosnt stain - food grade

The tubing i buy from Clark Rubber for half the price stains - non food grade.
Huh... maybe my "Food Grade" Isn't as "Food Grade" as your "Food Grade" :blink:
I remember FNQ brewer talking about mould and the troubles he has. Amazing stuff!
I try to keep all hoses disconnected and hanging kink free so everything can dry out.
Everything hangs so there's no u-shapes to collect moisture. Then I flush it out as many times as i can with water, hot water, sanitiser, hot wort, sanitiser, and wort, and no lengths over about 1.5metres. (That's about 3.5 Krusty the Clown feet in your language)

Oh how corect you are Tangent... I have had mould grow in new tube that as not even used yet. And I've throwen out bloody miles of the clear vinal tubeing stuff.
Yes keep your tubes as short as you can, Befor I had taps fitted to things I was siphoning and my hose was over 2m very hard to clean out but now no tube over 1.2m so I have made a pull though out of stainless wire , like a gun cleaner. Rince out , sanitize , then with a small cloth soaked in no rince pull that though each way , rince with a bit of no rince , then pull though a clean dry cloth . if the sun is shining hang on the line for a bit then pack away, cant leave hoses out up here as things move in over night so they must get packed up in the spare parts box...


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