Ttll Recipes

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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;) Americans have no trouble picking a Canadian out of the crowd if we happen to recite the alphabet. To them, it's 'zee' and to us it's 'zed'. Except, of course, for ZZ Top. It just sounds stupid with the Canadian pronunciation. :p

.....there's also their 'soda' vs our 'pop' thing as well as their 'fries' vs our 'chips'. Apparently they have no equivalent word for 'touque' other than the very awkward sounding 'stocking cap'.

ROFL, I was looking at the word touque and thinking, "What the hell is that?"

Beanie, much more clear :p haha

I find it funny how aussies and kiwis think we are so much different from each other, but when you put us both next to a yank or a brit were basically exactly the same... Bar maybe a few minor differences... "Chilly Bin" (esky) comes to mind B)
Don't think so. This is a touque (or tuque). Around here a beanie is one of those hats that looks like a yarmulke with a propeller on it.

Yeah thats a full on beanie, no doubt about it... How random... :huh:
This one is in primary. Down to 1.017 already after only 5 days. Who said 1968 is a slow bugger? Tasting bloody good at this early stage.

Adding the carafa purely to bump the colour up from previous attempts. Wanted to try out 1968 this time, my last 2 batches used 1469.

The munich came about after chats on the old Grumpys forum with wessmith re floor malted MO. The extra malt flavour from the munich addition makes a big difference IMO.


that recipe is fantastic, knocked one up with 1469 and its great.
I have that one on tap. Actually thru a plug of styrian goldings in it as it was for mates on a camping trip. We took it on the back of a ute (700km each way) and the tea ball has opened and so now i pour it from the tap thru another tea ball.

Very malty tho and over hopped but damn its a nice bitter.

Have another in primary using 1469.