Transferring Beer\wort From Vessel To Vessel.

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Whats the best technique to rack beer\wort from one vessel to another without oxygenating the beer ?
Assuming it's hot? Gently

If it's cold it should be no drama to pour.

I have small boil pots so when I mash and sparge I put the extra into a spare, clean fermenter via the hose from my tun tap and then from the hose on my fermenter tap to the boil pots when they're free.

Thanks to cocko I have a 50 L vessel I can turn into a shiny new boil pot so I don't have to do this but transformation has not yet happened.
Elevate top fermentor, add tubing from top fermentor tap, sit other end of tube in the bottom of lower fermentor. You can also go from 'tap to tap'. Avoid splashing and keep lids on as best as possible.
Hot or beer or cold or wort, the best way is gently and with a piece of racking tube down to the bottom of the vessel.
Whats the best technique to rack beer\wort from one vessel to another without oxygenating the beer ?

Its different for wort than for beer. Hot wort you want to do gently like raven and manticle have said. For cold wort you actually want to splash it so that you dissolve oxygen into the wort so that the yeast can reproduce before it starts fermenting your wort.

For beer - ie once fermentation has started - do it gently otherwise you'll oxidise your beer.

Hot or beer or cold or wort, the best way is gently and with a piece of racking tube down to the bottom of the vessel.

Cold unfermented wort is ok to transfer with less fussing though non? I thought splashing was only an issue if hot or once into primary?
Ok, cheers. It looks like i have been doing it properly so far.
Cold unfermented wort is ok to transfer with less fussing though non? I thought splashing was only an issue if hot or once into primary?

+1 for that - every book I've read says splash the cold wort into your fermenter to make sure it has dissolved oxygen.
Its different for wort than for beer. Hot wort you want to do gently like raven and manticle have said. For cold wort you actually want to splash it so that you dissolve oxygen into the wort so that the yeast can reproduce before it starts fermenting your wort.

For beer - ie once fermentation has started - do it gently otherwise you'll oxidise your beer.


The question was how to do it without oxygenation.
To which the response was through a tap and tube but if it's cold it shouldn't matter.
Is tipping hot wort through a strainer/colander considered bad, if it only makes up 40% of total wort ?
Is tipping hot wort through a strainer/colander considered bad, if it only makes up 40% of total wort ?

When I did partials that's pretty much what I used to do. Later partials with bigger grain bills were often scooped out bit by bit and then hot wort ladled out to minimise splashing but it was still a mess and less than ideal. I never had any problems with oxidised beer but I do have problems with keeping beer long term.

If you're planning on drinking it fairly fresh, I get the impression it's not a major concern. Oxidation, from what I've heard, takes time to become apparent.

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