Toohey's Old & Maltesers

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Toohey's Old and Maltesers, it's a killer combination!

Maybe it's just me, but I just love Toohey's Old. Never tried making it, but have a recipe from BribieG to try when I get around to it. It;s just something about the dark, full flavor without the "stouty" heaviness I often get from a dark beer.

And maltesers, you can't go wrong with a candy made from the same as beer and whisky..

Usually I don't want anything sweet after drinking beer, but Maltesers is an exception.

Anyone else who enjoy this commercial but ooh so good combo?

Toohey's Old and Maltesers, it's a killer combination!

Maybe it's just me, but I just love Toohey's Old. Never tried making it, but have a recipe from BribieG to try when I get around to it. It;s just something about the dark, full flavor without the "stouty" heaviness I often get from a dark beer.

And maltesers, you can't go wrong with a candy made from the same as beer and whisky..

Usually I don't want anything sweet after drinking beer, but Maltesers is an exception.

Anyone else who enjoy this commercial but ooh so good combo?


I remember when I was a young bloke that Tooheys Old packed quite a punch, I bought one for the first time in 20yrs or so a while back and it seems to me they have diluted it by about 33%. Never tried beer with sweets Bjorn.


Usually, my prettier half buys sweets and I'll grab a a beer, or enjoy one of my own. That's my "lollies" if you will.
But Maltesers somehow don't feel wrong with a beer, it's a complimentary thing, if you know what I mean.
I wouldn;t eat Maltesers or any other chocolate with say a JS Golden Ale, but with Toohey's Old, I love em :D
I can't say i have tried tooheys old with maltessers. But i do enjoy a tooheys old like you say dark full of flavour, but still a good session beer. If i have to buy some beer i lik to buy this, cheap and good beer. Cant go wrong.

I'll have to try this maltesser thing out. I do love me maltessers. :icon_drool2:
I remember when I was a young bloke that Tooheys Old packed quite a punch, I bought one for the first time in 20yrs or so a while back and it seems to me they have diluted it by about 33%.

Sure that doesn't have anything to do with being a lot more than 33% older?
Dont do beer and sweets - Are you people nuts??

Beer is an awesome match with sweet things. Just do the compliment, contrast or cut thing and you are home.

Stout with anything chocolate or coffee - and not just sweet stout.. dry stout or dark like tooheys. Creamy things with bitter beers or tart beers

Beer floaters.... icecream floating in imperial stout

Cheesecake and really bitter dry double IPA - or carrot cake

Hefeweisen with apricot tart - good cream ale with same

Scotch ale or even Scottish ale with creme carmel

dortmunder with poppiseed danish

old ale and christmas pudding

schwarzbier with black forest cake

no beer with sweet things... good lord
Sure that doesn't have anything to do with being a lot more than 33% older?

hehe, maybe 33% diminished taste buds!

Lots of good matches there Stu, you've made me hungry.........and thirsty too.


Always up for a killer combo, and this sounds like it.
Nice little pairings there too Thirstyboy
A nice stout and a bar of cadburys rum n raisen chocolate are very nice.
I only ever drink Old on tap but I do end up drinking it a fair bit on tap, as I prefer it to any other mainstream beers (including Coopers).

Is it good out of the bottle too?

As for beer / chocolate / stout, a few months back I had a stout night just randomly at home. Just bought a tallie of whatever stout I could find, and a bottle of youngs double choc. I drank all of the regular stouts first, with Guiness Extra, then Coopers Extra, then Youngs being the last three.

Because the stouts were getting progressively dryer until I got to the Youngs it made the Youngs taste simply incredible. Much better than it's ever tasted just by itself.

I would recommend this combination to anyone.
Beer floaters.... icecream floating in imperial stout

TB, you've had some brilliant ideas before, but now I think you should be president of the world. We need a leader who thinks like this.
TB, you've had some brilliant ideas before, but now I think you should be president of the world. We need a leader who thinks like this.

Perhaps not President... maybe Secretary of State or head of the (soon to be formed if I am in a position of power) Internal Intelligence Agency

Really good quality vanilla bean ice cream & Sam Smiths Imperial stout. A must try combo.
Really good quality vanilla bean ice cream & Sam Smiths Imperial stout. A must try combo.

So you just put a scoop on top? Or stir it in? Sounds delicious.
I remember when I was a young bloke that Tooheys Old packed quite a punch, I bought one for the first time in 20yrs or so a while back and it seems to me they have diluted it by about 33%. Never tried beer with sweets Bjorn.


I've been an Old drinker for 30 years, although since I moved to melbourne its mainly in stubbies as you can't get it on tap here - and a fresh keg tastes miles better than a stubby, so whenever i visit family in NSW I always head out for a few schooners of black. Anyway, stubbies of old are 4.4%. Not sure if was higher in the past, but i doubt that it was ever 6%. Maybe problem is that its about 30% sugar according to interview with Chuck hahn in BYO.
A big piece of chocolate cake with a schooner on my Oatmeal Rye Porter, oh yeah. :icon_drool2:
Some say the good old days and I remember it all very well, but there is nothing like the present day. My children have grown up and have children of their own, but it is nice to reminisce.
I only ever drink Old on tap but I do end up drinking it a fair bit on tap, as I prefer it to any other mainstream beers (including Coopers).

Is it good out of the bottle too?

It's a shadow of the beer you get on tap, or used to anyway. I'll admit to not having drunk it on tap for a while.
The bottled version is caramely with a thin body at the end.
I'm sure this beer used to have some roast and black malt in it but the bottled version these days tastes like they just kind of waved it near the mash instead of putting it in...
I find a Weizenbock the perfect accompliment to something like a rich fruit cake or chocolate mousse. The boozier the better!