Tooheys Draught

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I have a can of Tooheys draught that came with my fermenter that I didnt use. Has anyone made this kit and how did iturn out? I recon itsprobably not too good (thats why I havnt made it). Is there a nice way to use it?
I chucked one in with a can of Coopers stout and 500g of LDME. Came out pretty good but it was about 8.5% though so be aware.
Wasn't keen on it, although drinkable

Being a Tooheys drinker from way back I was very disappointed with it.

Shouldn't carry the Tooheys name. Definitely needs hop help.

Probably won't buy it again, we'll see.

If you have it, brew it, but add hops. Those hop bags (PoR maybe) are good and easy.

Just boil it up in some water and add the lot (bag & all) to your brew in the fermenter before pitching the yeast.

If you try at 7 daze to check the gassing, it may taste funny due to hops not matured. Don't worry about it...
Tips for using kits:

-Use them as fresh as possible.
-Use a fresh, quality yeast where possible (US-05 or US-56 is good and clean)
-Don't use 1kg sugar/dextrose, substitute at least half for malt extract (whether it be dry or liquid)
-Be as anal as possible with sanitation
-Ferment under 20C
-Leave it in the fermenter for at least 10 days, then check hydrometer readings for the next 2-3, if they are the same the beer is finished.

Shouldn't carry the Tooheys name. Definitely needs hop help.

Good luck finding a current Tooheys commercial brew with any hop character that isn't artificial.

If you try at 7 daze to check the gassing, it may taste funny due to hops not matured. Don't worry about it...

Hops don't mature after they have been boiled, degradation of hop flavours/aromas in the bottle is possible over time.
Point taken Adam....

Wrong choice of words.
I did a tooheys ale Not to bad all though it's only 3weeks
used brew enhancer 2, and 100g of dry malt, with kit yeast, brewed at 20*, at 23 ltres bulk primmed.... :D
Tooheys Draught is the only kit I still use white sugar in.

Try it with 500grm white sugar
500 gram dextrose.
No extra hops (normally I add 30-40g of hops, but I prefer not in this one)

Excellent warmer weather drinking. mmm it's pretty warm outside now
I might take you up on your suggestions Kev, but I found the "wallop" of dark malt in the TD to be too much. It didn't seem to get any better with age. Addition of hops would help to reduce the "wallop". Used 1kg dex.

Will probably do 15g PoR in the wort boil and 15g PoR dry hopping.

I have done this kit two times now, both the same, kit, as fresh as possible, kit yeast, 1 kg of No2 brew enhancer, brew for 4 days in ferm, rack for 5-7 days, I bulk prime with 200g of Dextrose into 22 lts,

nice livley bubbles, holds head OK, not great, but served up to non brewing mates, they think its great, I like it a smah it down beer, not anything too chalenging about it, just lots of bubbles and a clean taste after the rack / bulk prime.

I will make it again but use LIGHT dry malt, say 1kg instead og No 2 to try and improve the head retention.
I will make it again but use LIGHT dry malt, say 1kg instead og No 2 to try and improve the head retention.
sounds like a good idea mate throw in some por dry hooped mmmm beautiful

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