OK, so I finally got around to having a crack at some tonic water yesterday, after being laid up in bed sick for a couple of days. I followed and slightly adapted
this recipe on a blog I found. Most recipes I found seemed vaguely the same in terms of ingredients, just varied on the amounts and cooking process.
Anyway, the final recipe I used was
4 cups water
1 cup chopped lemongrass
25g cinchona bark
zest of 1 orange
zest of 1 lemon
zest of 1 lime
1 tsp whole allspice berries
0.25 cup citric acid
3.5 cups sugar
First, prepare all the dry ingredients except for the sugar. I skipped the juices of the lemon, lime and orange only because my brain was frazzled and I possibly can't read a recipe correctly.
Add all ingredients plus the water to a pot and simmer for 20 minutes. The mixture will slowly turn brown/red taking on the colour from the cinchona bark and allspice. The smell was... amazing.
Pour the contents into a coffee plunger and press to separate the solids, and then pour the liquid back into the saucepan. Return to the heat and add a cup of sugar for each cup of liquid (in this case, I had 3.5 cups of liquid). Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Finally bottle the syrup and store in the fridge. When using, mix syrup:soda water at a 1:4 ratio.
And the taste? Incredibly good. This is a great tasting tonic, quite floral but with the perfect amount of quinine bitterness. More citrus would be nice, as would a little more lemongrass, so I'd suggest adding more lemongrass if you can.
I'm still to make a version with the tincture. I'm going to try exactly the same recipe to see if using the tincture replicates the flavour, but I'm still waiting to hear back from the supplier about the equivalent amounts of tincture to bark.
And the
money shot (not my photo, taken by my friend on her iphone)