I cant help but skim. I also have never had substantial amounts of trub in the bottom.
My skimming has no scientific basis. I do note from tasting the hot break, that after the initial creamy break which tastes like mousse (chocolate mousse on a stout) the break takes on a strong, almost metalic (to my taste buds) flavour (DMS i presume?), personally I'd rather this is removed from the beer, I dont skim while there are hops on the surface. On a 90min boil I'll skim until 60min add bittering hops & wont skim again for a good half hour.
I also wonder if it is possible that having hot break on the surface could inhibit the boiling off of some unwanted compounds.
I agree the theory that leaving the hot break in for better coagualation could be just as (if not more) plausable.
Despite continuing to skim, I have never heard any proven scientific research either for or against. Even if it is marginally beneficial, I can see that a commercial brewery might find it uneconomical & / or unpractical to attempt to include this process.