Time Out From Drinking

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Not if the beer is the cause of your death. The ones you don't have could extend your life to have lots more.


Only if it is the beer that gets you in the first place!


How many days do smokers have a non smoking day?
Is smoking worse than drinking?
What happens if you do both?
I have seen very fit, healthy and all the rest of it go early.
When your times up its up.
I very much enjoy a drink at the end of the day.
To me its therapudic.
Get home with sore body & have a few seems to sooth the body.
Would you class hops as herbs, then its herbal treatment if they are.
I keep telling my wife that she meet me when I was drunk, so I will leave her when Im drunk.
Not if the beer is the cause of your death. The ones you don't have could extend your life to have lots more.

Anyways, every day for me except 31.12


What are you doing in this forum If you only drink once a year?? Are you a brewer? Sounds like you should be in a nursing home

60 minutes, sensationalist dog sh'''t!. :angry:
I boycott channel 9 because of the garbage they try and flogg, and it's not just 60 minutes!.
Trust your own intuition & instincts and be extremely selective about what & who you listen too, Especially the media!

My 2c worth
I'd give up watching TV - especially 60 Minutes!

Aren't they the same clowns that had an article on Breatharians a few years ago?

Breatharians - Inedia.

60 minutes gets a mention.

Living without food. *********! :lol:

Nah Sean! I believe the Breatharian stuff, I've seen whats left of em, just their beards hanging in trees in front of peoples houses, farkin amazing I say, never need to eat any more, just the air keepin their beards alive. Still, no beer no soul I say. :lol:
I may (or may not!) be the one previously referred as the February non-drinker. I do not do it for my health, as such. My grandfather (now passed away) was an alcoholic ... I always think that if I can go 28 days without a drink (damn those leap years!) then I might not be one too.
I find it strange that people tend to worry about their AFD's. I'm not in the least bit worried about the fact that I drink, on average, six out of seven days a week. But it's not those weekdays where I have a beer or two that worry me so much as the big weekends. I reckon the one or two I have on any given night can be enjoyed without the slightest worry about my overall health. I can't say the same for my weekend drinking, where a session often passes double digits in standard drinks (bear in mind a midi of full strength is a 'standard' drink) and sometimes twice that. I regularly need to remind myself 'quality, not quantity'.
I decided to take a rest for the month prior to Xmas, 30 alcohol free days. It just seems I have been drinking a bit much beer and not enough water lately to be healthy. Luckily my stocks have all run out so I won't be tempted and it will give me a chance to get a 140 lts or so brewed, fermented and conditioned for Xmas.

I decided to take a rest for the month prior to Xmas, 30 alcohol free days. It just seems I have been drinking a bit much beer and not enough water lately to be healthy. Luckily my stocks have all run out so I won't be tempted and it will give me a chance to get a 140 lts or so brewed, fermented and conditioned for Xmas.


140 litres to go with your Christmas Day lunch?.....now thats good :lol:
140 litres to go with your Christmas Day lunch?.....now thats good :lol:

Yes, well, I wouldn't want to run out now would I? After 30 dry days I am going to be pretty thirsty :party:

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