Not if the beer is the cause of your death. The ones you don't have could extend your life to have lots more.
Only if it is the beer that gets you in the first place!
Not if the beer is the cause of your death. The ones you don't have could extend your life to have lots more.
Not if the beer is the cause of your death. The ones you don't have could extend your life to have lots more.
Anyways, every day for me except 31.12
What are you doing in this forum If you only drink once a year?
I'd give up watching TV - especially 60 Minutes!
Aren't they the same clowns that had an article on Breatharians a few years ago?
Breatharians - Inedia.
60 minutes gets a mention.
Living without food. *********! :lol:
You gave blood at Midnight?, was that at Vampire Pathology Services?
Hehe. I always stuff that up... still slapping my knee at Vamp Path Svcs. :super:
I decided to take a rest for the month prior to Xmas, 30 alcohol free days. It just seems I have been drinking a bit much beer and not enough water lately to be healthy. Luckily my stocks have all run out so I won't be tempted and it will give me a chance to get a 140 lts or so brewed, fermented and conditioned for Xmas.
140 litres to go with your Christmas Day lunch? thats good :lol: