Time Out From Drinking

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As you must brew, so you must drink
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After seeing the 60 mins. Show the other week on the adverse effects off excessive alcohol consumption I got to thinking about having some TIME OUT from drinking. I also did an on-line health check with my private medical insurer and they suggested that a maximum of 21 STD drinks, for males per week, before long term negative effects from alcohol would start to be seen.
So does anyone have a regular break from the beer? Either weekly or monthly? I think I read on here once that someone has all of Feb off the beer.

After seeing the 60 mins. Show the other week on the adverse effects off excessive alcohol consumption I got to thinking about having some TIME OUT from drinking. I also did an on-line health check with my private medical insurer and they suggested that a maximum of 21 STD drinks, for males per week, before long term negative effects from alcohol would start to be seen.
So does anyone have a regular break from the beer? Either weekly or monthly? I think I read on here once that someone has all of Feb off the beer.


Sixty Minutes!!!! :eek: HTFU Steve yer big girls blouse! :chug: ;)

Opened this thread by mistake ;) I thought it read Time out FOR Drinking. :)
Monday and Tuesday are my AFD's, normally, unless someones up for a get together or something.
I am going to start doing Monday - Wednesday.
Of course this is my first time to do this and it is only Monday afternoon and to be honest it is not looking good so far!
* Votes to ban SJW from posting during daylight hours or on AFDs. * :p

Steve, I think it was PoMo who took a month off in February, and now look at what's happened to him. :lol:
I only drink beer on days ending in Y. All the other days of the week I have off ;)

I reckon there should be a warning about the dangers of watching Sixty Minutes :p B)
I watched that report...very sad.

But I did notice that the woman was drinking wine, not beer.

I therefore commit to increasing my wine free days per year to 350, up from 345.

i can't work out how to have a healthy AFD when i'm supposed to drink healthy red wine with my meal.
* Votes to ban SJW from posting during daylight hours or on AFDs. * :p

Carefull Stuster.....you might get lynched..or at least have Sqyre knocking on you door with a pitchffork and a sock full of soap.. :lol:
* Votes to ban SJW from posting during daylight hours or on AFDs. *

I second that motion :p
Dont get me wrong I dont advocate any AFD's, just interesting to find out everyones else drinking habits in an effort to justify my own. ;)

So what happend to PoMo?

Monday to thursday out of neccesity, i.e liver function test is off the scale. but mostly because after the test results the Mrs will nag me mercilessly if I step out of the guidelines..something about dying too soon :D
liver function test is off the scale

Is there such a thing as one of these?
Whats it involve?
Maybe Ross could stock a DIY :p
I think there should be a sticky thread about healthy drinking practices on this fourm, as many people here either have no idea , or are just in denial, I hark back to a couple of years ago where there was a poll about the amount of beer consumed per week, with some poeple drinking 70 pints/week.....
WhileI think adhereing to current drinking guidelines, which mind you are not evidence-based, but are a current health promotion best guesstimate, is a good idea , common sense should also be purchased/developed if not otherwise available.
...they suggested that a maximum of 21 STD drinks, for males per week, before long term negative effects from alcohol would start to be seen....

21 drinks down most people at the barbie I was at Sat were experiencing some negative effects.. and as for long term, Sunday morning was removed from my calendar.. :blink:

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