Why not:- 1 can Coopers extra stout, can of dark ale, can of draught, 1kg of your malt and 1kg of dextrose, 500gms of lactose. use all three kit yeasts and 23 litres. Bottle and store. (about:- OG 1.118, FG 1.034, 11.9%)want to make a rocket fuel for the hell of it
Lactose just in at the same time as the others yeah? any idea on the time in the fv and bottle on this one? I forgot to add I have plenty of maltodextrine at hand if it would help?grott said:Why not:- 1 can Coopers extra stout, can of dark ale, can of draught, 1kg of your malt and 1kg of dextrose, 500gms of lactose. use all three kit yeasts and 23 litres. Bottle and store. (about:- OG 1.118, FG 1.034, 11.9%)
Lactose will give you that nice residual sweetness of a sweet or milk stout.Yob said:Why lactose?
I reckon it takes away the after taste bite you get if drunk to early and not matured in the bottle for some time.Why lactose?
Add at same time, ferment min. of 14 days but do use your hydrometer before bottling. I wouldn't try one for 6 weeks but the longer the better, put a few away for 1 year, 2, 3 etc.Lactose just in at the same time as the others yeah? any idea on the time in the fv and bottle on this one? I forgot to add I have plenty of maltodextrine at hand if it would help?