Thomas Coopers Ipa

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Planning on doing K&Bits Coops IPA +300g Rye Caramel

Got some Bramling Cross to spice up the flavour and add some bitterness with a 30min boil. Thinking 20g@30mins 20g@10mins and either 10g@flameout or dryhopped later on.

Also got a 1.5kg can Morgans wheat unhopped extract and plenty DME.

just wondering which one to go with or will it make little difference either way.?

Also got some raw sugar and or dex to adjust the ABV levels up a little bit.

edit : I should add not trying to produce anything true to style..
Bung it all in... :p

Where were you headed (bitter/wit/largeeeauuugh)
Id do the DME. I would also cut the 30min addition. The kit itself is fairly bitter and the 10min addition should add enough. I did this kit a couple of years ago, went hard on the flavour addition (fuggles from memory) and it was almost unpleasantly bitter.

I have done this kit a lot in the past and will more than likly do it again in the future. The best thing I have done to it was leave it alone. I used the kit, Black Rock Dark malt and Wyeast Londen Ale 2. I would not add rye (but I do not like rye) I certinaly would not add brambling cross as the kit is choched full of Styrian Golodings. Leave it alone let the yeast do its thing it is a great kit.

You may well be right sometimes simpler is much better.

I did Morgans Blue Mtn with just basics and it was a beut.

Was just trying to get rid of a few bits that have been hanging around.
The kit itself is fairly bitter

Isn't this kit under 31 IBU at 23l? Yes, that would be bitter but well below standard IPA levels. Yes, the OP has said he's not brewing particularly to style but if he went with the IPA kit chasing aggressive bitterness then he may want to add more. I've got this same kit sitting in the cupboard while I finalise my recipe for it and I think I'm gonna get the bitterness up somewhere in the region of 60 IBU.

[EDIT: Just had a quick fiddle in Beersmith and it's probably looking more like being around 55-ish IBU]
Isn't this kit under 31 IBU at 23l? Yes, that would be bitter but well below standard IPA levels. Yes, the OP has said he's not brewing particularly to style but if he went with the IPA kit chasing aggressive bitterness then he may want to add more. I've got this same kit sitting in the cupboard while I finalise my recipe for it and I think I'm gonna get the bitterness up somewhere in the region of 60 IBU.

Go for it :icon_cheers: and I would be interested to hear how it turns out.

Maybe Im a wuss. It was the only beer I have ever made that I couldnt drink for 4 months due to bitterness.

Yes the Coopers own recipe recommends making up to 20L.

I have been drinking a good few James Squire IPAs nice and hoppy yes but not really slap in the face bitter.

Trying to strike the correct balance maybe the difficult bit.
Oh. That's different to the label instructions.

So that'd be 35.5 IBU, I think.

I'll just make it up to 23l still and make up the bitterness with hop additions.
Oh. That's different to the label instructions.

So that'd be 35.5 IBU, I think.

I'll just make it up to 23l still and make up the bitterness with hop additions.

Thats off the Coopers Website with 1kg of DME and 500g dex/sugar
They call it true IPA or proper IPA under strong ales recipes.
Yeah, I just had a look at that. Wouldn't those fermentables make it a little on the light side for style? I know the OP is not concerned about this, so sorry for the tangent, but my recipe (today's version :p ) has 2kg of LDME and is only within style by 0.25%
Decided to go the toucan with Coopers English bitter as the other half.

That should get the bitterness up into proper IPA territory.

( just got a case of James Squire IPA just loving it but it's not really that bitter. )

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